38 private links
A video transcoder and converter built using Web Assembly and FFMPEG to transcode and convert videos right in your browser while protecting your privacy
Learn how to instantly improve online viewing experience for your users by embracing the new AV1 video format that is already supported by Chrome and Firefox. This short guide will also show how to replace your GIF’s with videos, using AV1 or H.264, to make your files twenty to forty times smaller.
Convert between almost any text based formats.
Convert HTML to fastFrag JSON structure.
Just select a file that contains some Markdown and we’ll convert it to a PDF in a snap!
Simply open the SBV file you downloaded from YouTube in a text editor (e.g., Notepad, Notepad ++, TextEdit), select all of the contents (Windows/Linux: CONTROL + A, Mac: COMMAND + A) and paste it into the box below.
If you want to write simple documents using a plain text editor but still want to add basic text formatting, you can use Markdown: John Gruber's formatting system, with which you use short and easy-to-remember codes to mark up your text. Lots of websites and blogs are already using Markdown, so you can enter plain text and still have it formatted the way you want.
With my Javascript markdownID), you can select existing text or import a Markdown file, and it will be converted into properly styled text for InDesign.
The script supports lots of the standard functions from the original Markdown, and so you can use the Markdown reference for the basic set of commands. Unfortunately, there are also some functions that InDesign cannot easily emulate.
Paste or drag and drop rich content from a webpage or a text editor in the first box (no HTML tags should be visible), then press "Convert" to convert to Markdown.
A simple Google Apps script to convert a properly formatted Google Drive Document to the markdown (.md) format.
Basically, a super long string of gibberish characters. It's not gibberish to the browser though of course. This data is interpreted as the type of file you are saying it is.
dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter. At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS 2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.
Mapshaper is a program for simplifying cartographic lines while preserving the topological relationships between adjacent polygons and intersecting polyline paths. It can read and write Shapefile, GeoJSON and TopoJSON files. The current version can be found at mapshaper.org.
MeWiG is a Windows Frontend to the MEncoder (part of MPlayer) using the .NET Framework.
You should be able to crop, scale, deinterlace, etc and finally convert almost any digital video-source, without the need for commandline-options.
StaxRip is open source video converter MP4 GUI with a wide range of supported source formats.
This little tool converts any .ttf (TrueType Font) or .otf (OpenType Font) file to .ttf, .otf, .eot, .woff and .svg files. It also creates a CSS file and a demo HTML file to show you how to use webfonts on your website - using CSS @font-face.
Powered by html2jade
Run this in Terminal:
/Applications/Miro\ Video\ Converter.app/Contents/Resources/ffmpeg -i /path/to/input/video.mp4 -f webm -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -ab 160000 -b 1152k /path/to/output/video.webm
Convert media free, fast and online.
Your favorite site doesn't provide news feeds?
This free online service converts any web page to an RSS feed on the fly.