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Free backup software to store encrypted backups online
Некоторое время назад мне пришла в голову интересная идея — превратить свои старые телефоны (их скопилось немало за десять лет) в серверы, в качестве альтернативы покупке Raspberry Pi.
FFmpeg — мультимедийный комбайн, набор библиотек которые позволяют записывать, обрабатывать и конвертировать видео и/или аудио материалы в различные форматы. С помощью этого инструмента можно производить видео монтаж практически любой сложности. Его используют многие плееры, конвертеры, редакторы и библиотеки компьютерного зрения. В этой статье я поделюсь трюками и хитростями с FFmpeg, которые и сам часто использую в работе.
Volta is a hassle-free way to manage your JavaScript command-line tools.
kitty is designed for power keyboard users. To that end all its controls work with the keyboard (although it fully supports mouse interactions as well). Its configuration is a simple, human editable, single file for easy reproducibility (I like to store configuration in source control).
The code in kitty is designed to be simple, modular and hackable. It is written in a mix of C (for performance sensitive parts) and Python (for easy hackability of the UI). It does not depend on any large and complex UI toolkit, using only OpenGL for rendering everything.
This site contains 29761 parsed manpages from sections 1 and 8 found in Ubuntu's manpage repository. A lot of heuristics were used to extract the arguments of each program, and there are errors here and there, especially in manpages that have a non-standard layout.
It is written in Python and uses bashlex, a bit of NLTK (to find the interesting parts of the manpage), a little d3.js (for the connecting lines graphic) and Flask. It is served with uwsgi and nginx. Source code is available on github.
My name is Idan Kamara and you can contact me at idan at explainshell dot com for any questions or suggestions.
With the release of v3.3 of iTerm2 (I only just recently noticed this version mixup – v3 of v2 🙈) a Minimal and Compact theme entered the stage. That motivated me to prettify my iTerm2/ZSH terminal.
Today, I'm very pleased with my setup, and people asked me to share my settings – so here we are!
zsh has excellent capabilities of supporting different version control systems, like git in its command line prompt. Setup is pretty convoluted and I’ll try to guide you through it to give you basic understanding of all the building blocks. You’ll be able to craft your own one.
When I need to work long hours outside of the office I usually set a smaller font in iTerm2 and Emacs (those are the applications that I use most) because I don't have access to a large external display. Having to manually set the font in two different applications every time is a bit unhandy, so I started looking for a solution.
When you’re working on your Linux or Mac OS X system’s command line, the prompt is the text to the left of the commands you enter. The default prompt varies for every system, but it usually gives you an indication of your username, your machine’s host name and your current working directory. Also, it ends with a dollar sign $ if you’re working as a normal user. If you’re working with root privileges, it ends with # instead.
A responsive screenshot comparison tool
When it comes to the large web applications, we often operate with complex components. Such components are not just CSS styles for the pieces of an interface but also their JavaScript interactions and templates. As documentation, the style guide should reflect them all. In other words, the components on the style guide's pages should be the same living as in production.
At my recent project, we have been using SC5 Style Guide in its simplest way - documenting the view of the components. For that, we provided the needed HTML in the KSS code and so has received the rendered component library.
Convert between almost any text based formats.
Drupal project codebase can and should be managed with Composer, as it provides better and more reliable results when building codebase. Drupal Console is replacing Drush -based workflows fast.
At Alley, we frequently design sites that require any given component to appear in a variety of contexts. A visual style guide allows us to view the site not as a series of pages, but grouping of reusable components. Ultimately, this simplifies and standardizes the way our designs communicate. via Pocket
certainlyakey starred nclud/wp-timber-cli
In order to follow this tutorial, make sure you have Docker installed and working on your development computer (verify it by running $ docker -v in your command line). You don't need to have any prior Docker experience as I will try to explain things from the ground up. via Pocket
Microsoft provides virtual machine disk images to facilitate website testing in multiple versions of IE, regardless of the host operating system. With a single command, you can have IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11 and MSEdge running in separate virtual machines.
Minify images seamlessly
Luckily, the bash shell has some fairly well-developed history functions. Learning how to affectively use and manipulate your bash history will allow you to spend less time typing and more time getting actual work done. Many developers are familiar with the DRY philosophy of Don't Repeat Yourself. Effective use of bash's history allows you to operate closer to this principle and will speed up your work flow.