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Trying to read a feed with an aggregator that can't handle the format? Try normalizing it.
This might come in handy if you need to read a buggy feed or a feed that's in a slightly different version of RSS to the one your aggregator can handle. If your aggregator can't understand Atom feeds, you can convert them into RSS right here.
Your favorite site doesn't provide news feeds?
This free online service converts any web page to an RSS feed on the fly.
Популярность RSS привела к росту популярности нового класса Web-ПО под названием "программы чтения каналов", также известные как "агрегаторы каналов". Хотя на рынке имеется несколько агрегаторов каналов, нетрудно разработать и свой собственный, который можно интегрировать с вашими Web-приложениями. Вы оцените приведённые в нашей статье полнофункциональные фрагменты PHP-кода, в которых демонстрируется использование основанных на PHP серверных функций для разработки настраиваемого агрегатора RSS-каналов. Кроме того, применяя полнофункциональный код агрегатора RSS-каналов, который можно загрузить из данной статьи, вы получите отдачу немедленно.
Well, being completely, utterly broke and having my current job being LITERALLY to scrape web pages for a living, I couldn't resist the temptation to take 2 minutes and write a script to, um, help remind me to check John's blog. (Sorry John!). Since John has now opened up his feed to all, I thought it would be both educational - and cleansing - to post the code here for all to see... both for the would-be poverty stricken entrepreneur types, and those who'd like to make sure their content isn't being grabbed if they don't want it to be.
Offers to tweet the last posts published in a blog via the RSS feed.
Многие пользователи трекера torrents.ru давно мечтают об RSS ленте. К сожалению официальные представители трекера о сроках и возможности её создания умалчивают, по этому была создана эта — неофицильная.
В данный момент проекты вышел из стадии бета-тестирования и успешно функционирует.
A webcomic of romance,
sarcasm, math, and language.
PenguinTV is not just another RSS feed reader. It is designed from the ground up to work seamlessly with podcasts and video blogs, allowing you to easily enjoy the audio, music, and video published around the web in RSS format. One user calls it "hands down the app of choice" for downloading video blogs.
The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast is a project that will publish one podcast per day, for all 365 days of 2009. The podcast episodes are written, recorded and produced by people around the world.
Photo feeds are streams of images that can be viewed in Google Photos Screensaver. For example, if you are viewing an album in Picasa Web Albums, you can right-click the "RSS" link at the bottom of the page and select "Add to Google Photos Screensaver" to add those images to your screensaver.
A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation.
Making it easy to turn flickr photos into iPhoto v6+ compatible photocasts. There is a FAQ.
This code sample is a good start for a complex custom RSS feed creator. We could easily create a form that adds or updates new items in our database. For now I give you the base because I'm sure you have many ideas of your own. Armed with this new RSS file you can go to a Web site such as FeedBurner to make it easier to deliver your content to the public.
YouTube recently publicized a bunch of RSS feeds for subscribing to popular topics and categories, but they haven't made it obvious how someone might subscribe to your YouTube channel via RSS. Thanks to their well documented section for developers, this is a relatively easy.
Just enter your Youtube username and hit the button to create a RSS feed with embedded movies of your Youtube Favorites.
Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. You can tweak your clouds with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. The images
Create RSS for ANY web page!