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twigfiddle.com's aim is to provide a small development environment to develop, run, store and access Twig code online.
certainlyakey starred phated/gulp-jade
certainlyakey starred kizu/bemto
Craft is a content management system (CMS) that’s laser-focused on doing one thing really, really well: managing content. And since content comes in all shapes and sizes, we’ve built Craft to be as flexible as possible, without compromising on the ease of use for content authors.
Django, Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Laravel, Drupal—what do these platforms have that WordPress lacks? A template language.
The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Powered by html2jade
Jade is a high performance template compiler heavily influenced by Haml and implemented for PHP 5.3.
This interactive documentation illustrates the most important features of the Jade templating language. You can play around with the examples and watch the html output in real time.