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OÜ Eesti Isikuloo Keskus on asutatud 2000. aastal. Meie mitmete eesmärkide hulgas on peamised koguda isikuloolisi andmeid eestlaste ja Eestis elanud isikute kohta ning pakkuda mitmeid eluloo- ja arhiiviuuringuid.
The Estonian Biographical Center, Ltd. was founded in 2000. Among our various purposes, the main one is to collect historical biographical data about Estonians and other people who have lived in Estonia. Also, our center offers various services relating to biographical and archival research.
I found the old matchbook lying on a desk.
It was buried under some papers, beside a thick, water-logged book frozen solid in the January chill. I ran my fingers down its spine and read the title: "How to Run A Successful Golf Course."
The owner of the Penn Hills Resort in the Poconos probably hadn't followed whatever advice the author had to offer. They boarded the place up years ago, and there's a gaping hole in the roof of his old office. Muted greens and yellows, shag carpeting peek at me through a sheet of ice.
The matchbook, which looks to be from the 60's, is about half empty—whoever was sitting here when this place finally went under surely needed a smoke.
The digital map has been created by Johan Åhlfeldt with support from the Pelagios project.
JavaScript has a strange naming history.
Over the past 30 years, designer, writer, and researcher Bill Buxton has been collecting. Explore his collection of input and interactive devices that he found interesting, useful, or important in the history of pen computing, pointing devices, and touch technologies.
We all know the symbol with a vertical line in a circle: it dentifies the On/Off power switch. It occurred to me that this familiar symbol is evolving in a bizarre fashion.
Although many of our city's buildings could be rebuilt, Coventry is a place with a very full history, and many of the buildings lost to the bombing were centuries old and absolutely irreplaceable. As I've lamented elsewhere in this website, many of our architectural gems disappeared long before the war. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the town planners of the day had no qualms in demolishing our proud city gates, when a simple re-routing of a street could have allowed them to be preserved. And only a few years before the war, Great and Little Butcher Row, Palmer Lane and parts of Cross Cheaping were demolished for the building of Trinity Street.
Arzamas — это некоммерческий просветительский проект, посвященный гуманитарному знанию. Мы создаем для вас своеобразный университет, который соберет лучших преподавателей и будет строиться прямо у вас на глазах.
Fun stories and trivia about the origins of well-known microinteractions
History and structure of human computer interaction
Kurz vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde Willi Rogge erschossen. Die Mörder legten ein Schild auf seinen Rücken: "Wer sein Volk verrät, stirbt!" Der Bauer hatte sich zu sehr darauf gefreut, von Engländern befreit zu werden. Die Täter waren sogenannte Werwölfe, Hitlers fanatische Getreue - mit dabei war mein Vater Georg Schnibben. Schalten Sie bitte den Ton ein.
100 Best Fonts of all Time, Ranking of best, most popular, best selling typefaces. Helvetica™ · Garamond™ · Frutiger™ · Bodoni™ · Futura™ · Times™ · Akzidenz Grotesk™ · Officina™ · Gill Sans ™ · Univers™ · Optima™ …
This article is intended for an audience of contemporary designers and students who are at least one step removed from mid-century British typographic culture; it is a critique of the Gill Sans typeface and the idiosyncrasies of its creation from a contemporary perspective. The central argument is that an earlier typeface by Eric Gill’s mentor, Edward Johnston, is a superior piece of type design.
Typefaces are an expression of their time. FF Mark is a new typeface and yet it clearly draws on historical examples from the past. Precisely, the mid-1920s, a period in German history with exceptional innovation in engineering, in the arts and in design. In particular, the years between 1925 and 1930 produced several ideas that were new to the world – among them a new concept in type design: the geometric sans serif.
A presentation on development of typography focusing on Bauhaus
В этот день двадцать лет назад нынешний CTO Opera Хоком Виум Ли опубликовал предложение по каскадным таблицам стилей для HTML.
Find the graves of ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' and a note to a loved one's grave, etc.
This is a detail from a ‘Design for a British Senate House’ (Sir John Soane’s Museum, London) that was drawn by John Soane when he was in Rome, and which was exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in 1779. It is the earliest known example of the monoline sanserif inscriptional letter of Republican Rome that was revived at this date and became widely used for signs and typography.
Отсюда: http://www.typoholic.ru/quotation/figgins.htm Об истории возрождения рубленых форм в Англии можно почитать в подробнейшей записи Джеймса Мосли в его блоге.