38 private links
Этот канал в «Медиуме» начался два года назад с текста про нашу редакционную систему «Монитор» — с тех пор ни один другой пост не обошел его по популярности. Но за это время «Монитор» сильно изменился: из двух отчетных лет мы целый год потратили на полную переделку системы.
Пришло время годового отчета по трафику «Медузы» от Katya Letova. Залипалово!
The BBC HTML Accessibility Standards and BBC Mobile Accessibility Standards and Guidelines outline the requirements and recommendations necessary for ensuring the BBC’s digital products are accessible to the widest possible audience.
Grandstand is a scalable front end architecture and a lightweight Sass framework. Consisting of a collection of common CSS abstractions and utility helper classes, Grandstand allows you to quickly development components in a reusable, performant manner.
certainlyakey starred bbc/gel-grid
I promised I’d write a blog with more details so here goes. When I started writing this I realised there was lot to say so I’m going to split this two blog posts which covers how we’re approaching CSS at BBC Sport.
Мужской интернет-журнал BroDude
When I log on to Facebook, my personal television starts. All I need to do is to scroll: New profile pictures by friends, short bits of opinion on current affairs, links to new stories with short captions, advertising, and of course self-playing videos. I occasionally click on the like or share button, read peoples’ comments or leave one, or open an article. But I remain inside Facebook, and it continues to broadcast what I might like. This is not the web I knew when I went to jail. This is not the future of the web. This future is television.
Frames is a collection of stories
"Но «лонгформ» — смешное слово. Никто же не говорит: «Хочу почитать что-нибудь длинное». Говорят: «Хочу глубокое»."
The Urban Rooms - федеральная сеть Интернет-сайтов (incl http://saratov-room.ru/)
To inspire journalists and storytellers, Multiple Journalism collects and shares information about new tools and practices in independent journalism. Browse through the most innovative cases worldwide.
Работаем для тех, кому есть о чём рассказать миру
See how publications and data-driven journalists use open source to power their newsroom and ensure information is reported fairly and accurately.
April will see me blogging about a small but important piece of the puzzle that is the future of news: the information architecture behind a good news website. Each of the four-and-a-half parts will…
In a nutshell, Visualoop is a digital environment dedicated to all things data visualization related. We try to bring together experts from fields such as information design, cartography or visual journalism, with students and others interested in expanding their knowledge about data visualization.
Kurz vor Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurde Willi Rogge erschossen. Die Mörder legten ein Schild auf seinen Rücken: "Wer sein Volk verrät, stirbt!" Der Bauer hatte sich zu sehr darauf gefreut, von Engländern befreit zu werden. Die Täter waren sogenannte Werwölfe, Hitlers fanatische Getreue - mit dabei war mein Vater Georg Schnibben. Schalten Sie bitte den Ton ein.
Last week we announced that The New York Times Company and European publishing powerhouse Axel Springer are investing 3 million euro to help us launch Blendle in other countries. via Pocket
Комплексные решения для проектов в цифровой среде – от идеи до продвижения.
This standard outlines the requirements and recommendations for making BBC websites accessible with respect to editorial content and user experience. Other technical aspects of accessibility are covered in the technical standards, e.g. Semantic Mark-up, CSS, Javascript, XHTML, etc. Other aspects of accessibility are covered in separate standards, e.g. subtitles, use of colour, flicker and movement, games, keyboard access, text equivalents, text links etc.