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Now, it's time to dig into your camera and learn the three most basic tools available to you in controlling the exposure.
Those tools are shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. After I explain what each one does, I'll explain why we need three separate tools to control the brightness or darkness of the photo. #photos #tutorials
A lot of people seem to find that batteries on Fujifilm mirrorless cameras just don’t last as long as they should. When I first started using Fujifilm cameras around two years ago I remember …
Piwigo is open source photo gallery software for the web. Designed for organisations, teams and individuals.
We have had inquiries as to whether we were still here due the recent health concerns. I'm happy to let everyone know that we are still making and sending out our camera straps. Most of the gordy's camera straps team were operating out of our homes already. Now we all are. We are lucky that we are able to do that without impacting our production and customer service. We hope all of you are doing well in these difficult times. Stay safe!
-- Gordy
Professional Image Editor App and Photos Extension
Overview and comparison of all cameras. Learn about the different model lines and core specs of the Fujis here!
Tens of plugins
I found the old matchbook lying on a desk.
It was buried under some papers, beside a thick, water-logged book frozen solid in the January chill. I ran my fingers down its spine and read the title: "How to Run A Successful Golf Course."
The owner of the Penn Hills Resort in the Poconos probably hadn't followed whatever advice the author had to offer. They boarded the place up years ago, and there's a gaping hole in the roof of his old office. Muted greens and yellows, shag carpeting peek at me through a sheet of ice.
The matchbook, which looks to be from the 60's, is about half empty—whoever was sitting here when this place finally went under surely needed a smoke.
They say ‘practice makes perfect,’ and if you want to practice your photo editing, you need some RAW files. That’s where a new site/service called Wesaturate comes in. If you don’t have time to go out and shoot your own RAWs, or you want more variety, the site wants to provide a source of free RAW files for everyone.
Exposure X is the creative photo editor that handles every step of your workflow. From card transfer to organization to editing, Exposure simplifies routine tasks and delivers a rich set of tools for developing beautiful photos.
В то время Мадьяр был погружен в долговременный проект на стыке технологий и искусства под названием Stainless («Безупречные»), создавая изображения высокого разрешения из проезжающих поездов и пассажиров, используя сложное, написанное им самим программное обеспечение и доработанную промышленную фотокамеру. Техника сканирования, которую он разработал — объединение тысяч кадров шириной в пиксель в одно изображение — позволяет ему заставать пассажиров врасплох, пока они с шумом и лязгом летят сквозь темные тоннели метро, фиксируя их в призрачных изображениях, наполненных деталями, которые не может запечатлеть ни одна обычная камера.
the last carousel you'll ever need
Simply put, CSSgram is a library for editing your images with Instagram-like filters directly in CSS. What we're doing here is adding filters to the images as well as applying color and/or gradient overlays via various blending techniques to mimic these effects. This means less manual image processing and more fun filter effects on the web!
Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
by DepositPhotos
Frames is a collection of stories
Although many of our city's buildings could be rebuilt, Coventry is a place with a very full history, and many of the buildings lost to the bombing were centuries old and absolutely irreplaceable. As I've lamented elsewhere in this website, many of our architectural gems disappeared long before the war. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the town planners of the day had no qualms in demolishing our proud city gates, when a simple re-routing of a street could have allowed them to be preserved. And only a few years before the war, Great and Little Butcher Row, Palmer Lane and parts of Cross Cheaping were demolished for the building of Trinity Street.
Perhaps you've heard of data URIs. It's a really nice way of including a resource that would have otherwise been a separate HTTP request. The format that you use in a data URI can vary. Essentially you just tell it what content type it is (e.g. image/png), semicolon, then the data of that file.
You can remove pictures just from the device by going to the upper left and clicking on the "Photos". That should bring up a menu, where you scroll down almost to the bottom to get to "On Device". Bringing up that list is just the photos on the device (instead of all the photos that G+ knows about), and when you delete there it only affects the device storage, not the backed up version. See https://support.google.com/plus/answer/3453521?hl=en for a (very) little more detail.