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Show more resolution choices for external monitors on the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display by holding the Option key and clicking on the Scaled option in the Displays preference pane.
Acronis True Image WD Edition Software helps you to completely clone your current system drive onto your new WD hard drive. Cloning makes an exact copy of your old system drive on your new WD hard drive, including the operating system, applications, data, preferences, and email settings. Everything will be present and operate exactly as it did on your old hard drive. Acronis True Image WD Edition now supports WD Advanced Format Drives and ensures that all partitions are optimally aligned.
Macrium Reflect. A complete disk image and backup software solution for your PC.
RoaringApps brings you a collaborative wiki community to track, discuss and dissect application compatibility for Mac OS X Lion. Powered by Wikidot.com, RoaringApps utilises advanced wiki technology that allows anyone to contribute to the knowledge-base. This will ensure we have the most comprehensive list of application compatibilities on the interweb.
- Create the shortcut to "cmd.exe /c start"
- Now open properties
- Append the full path in the "Target" field with your own relative path and app, e.g. %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start your_relpath\app.exe
This is the Wine Application Database (AppDB). Here you can get information on application compatibility with Wine.
I'm thinking of switching my Windows 7 hard drive to a new motherboard.
Will Win 7 figure out what happened on boot, or do I need to change settings, add drivers and what not prior to reboot on the new motherboard?
As posted in the Maemo forums (http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=35136), Google sync is not supported yet and causing problems for many people. I don't currently own the N900 (not yet at least ;)). This is a very important feature for me (and I am sure for many other people too) and I would seriously consider not buying the device if I could not sync my nokia address book with google contacts... Is this issue being worked on by Google or Nokia?
BatteryGraph is a program for monitoring the battery status on a Nokia N900/Maemo 5. The program not only records the amount of bars, percentage, volts and mAh's but also the average CPU load and whether or not a wifi or gprs connection is active and shows the results in a graph.
Every so often, after restarting my computer, my external drives are re-designated or re-numbered or something, I don't know the technical term for it. The name of the drive under the icon on my desktop stays the same but in disk utility, for example, the drive mount point changes and instead of "/Volumes/DataBank" it is "/Volumes/DataBank 2". This also happens to a drive on my file server I have connected over afp. This is pretty annoying for a couple of reasons but mainly because applications that have saved default locations on either of these drives get lost after this strange numbering thing happens.
the computer does not shut down completely, the power lights are off, but the fans are still running. installed on a p5k-e using patched dvd on partition install
I buyed an Acer 5220 this one, got an Broadcom BCM94312MCG aka 4324A, this card doesn't run under every distribution I tryed. I can't see the card under "Network" sad.gif I searched and search all forums, but I didn't find anything.
Что на Ритейле, что на Каливее комп вырубается не до конца - то есть все выключается кроме блока питания - он работает ... даже кулер на проце стоит...
Problem: After installing Windows 7, Chameleon disappeared and only Windows 7 is booting. Here's solution.
Команда PCWiz Computer известна благодаря разработке различных утилит для модификации Mac OS X. Одна из таких программ Universal OSx86 Installer или просто UInstaller — помощник в установке оригинальной Mac OS X на PC.
I have this exact problem on My Mac, and I was able to fix it. I went into my Configure plug-ins, disabled the swatches plugin and its dependancies (created a new plugins set config), then quit and restarted InDesign. After that, I re-enabled all the plugins I disabled (by reloading the default configuration) and restarted InDesign again. Now my swatches work perfectly!
Cлетели шорткаты в инде. Причем не все, а только те, которые имели отношение к буквам. Т.е. ctrl-z, ctrl-y, selection tool, pen tool и прочее слетели, а ctrl-insert, shft-insert на месте.
Захожу сейчас в preferences, там в keyboard shortcuts, а там все ctrl-z, ctrl-y заменены на ctrl-я. А ctrl-insert, shft-insert, которые остались на месте, перестали работать.
Причем, когда инде только поставился, эти шорткаты либо отсутствовали, либо также были заменены на ctrl-я. Приходилось ставить их вручную.
Кто-нибудь с этим сталкивался?
Update. Проблема решается на моем компе следующим образом.
Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) - что это такое и способы ее обхода
How to reinstall/uninstall X11 on Mac OS X
Почему Сафари 4 отображает в шрифте Georgia кириллицу шрифтом Times? -
Отключил дубликаты шрифта, и всё заработало. А откуда они вообще взялись, как думаете? Может, все дубликаты шрифтов вообще стоит удалить? (Они там, кстати, когда включены, помечены точечкой справа от названия шрифта, не знаю, что это значит…)