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I managed to fix this issue by finding this thread and installing the modified JMicronATA: v0.6 and AppleATIATA: v0.1 kexts.
SimplyRAR... GUI for RAR compression.
Файлы с русскими именами на маке
Пакуем в .RAR при помощи SimplyRAR
Шлем виндоюзерам - у них РУССКИЕ ИМЕНА ФАЙЛОВ нормально видны.
As I write this I am running Leopard again, and this time everything seems to work properly. I say again, because after running into too many problems after my initial install I thanked myself for taking the time to make a bootable clone of my hard drive before installing.
I have the nVidia Black Screen Bug, and after much research and testing, I eventually found a way to fix it. This post is a compilation of fixes I found on the internet, and it ends with the fix I discovered that finally worked. Hopefully this guide will help anyone else who has the nVidia Black Screen Bug.
People sometimes have to do a reinstall of their Ubuntu system for various reasons (been playing/experimenting with configuration/drivers/other packages or just because something is badly broken) but remembering all the extra packages you have installed can be a chore - but here is the simple solution:
On your old system (assuming it is still working), start up Synaptic and go:
You might have noticed that GTAIV, in its current state, has a lot of issues.
So in this thread, I will attempt to list all of the known issues and solutions. Please feel free to suggest your own fixes for known issues.
If you have a problem you can't solve, I suggest you create a new thread and trouble shoot it there. If you manage to fix it, let everyone know in this thread.
There are two ways of working with the registry; software based and direct access. The software based method is generally considered to be safe, although a badly behaved piece of software that mangles the registry can make you doubt the wisdom of this statement. Anyone who has used a computer is familiar with the software based method of making changes. Control Panel is an excellent example. Make a change to one of the Control Panel settings and almost assuredly you have initiated a change within the registry. It's just that you are insulated by Control Panel from seeing what went on behind the scenes in the registry.
The problem: Everytime I close the lid on the machine the laptop reboots.
Troubleshooting Information, Tips and Fixes for Microsoft Windows
В проводнике Windows Vista произошло множество улучшений по сравнению с Windows XP. Однако некоторые болячки предыдущей операционной системы перекочевали в Vista, как и прежде доставляя массу неудобств пользователям. В частности одной из наиболее раздражающих проблем является неспособность ОС отображать вид папок таким, каким хотят его видеть пользователи. Это мешает не только тем, кто пользуется проводником в качестве файлового менеджера - ведь окнами Открыть и Сохранить как пользуются все. В первую очередь речь о "забывчивости" Vista, теряющей пользовательские настройки вида. К этому примешивается и не всегда верное определение шаблона папки в зависимости от находящихся в ней файлов, что является нововведением в Vista. О том, как настроить вид папок и избежать неудобств при работе с ними, пойдет речь ниже.
This registry patch will tie MKV/MKA files into Windows Media Player [WMP11] and Windows Media Center [WMC] allowing them to play this file type. However there are caveats as it is not possible to tie a third party codec 100% into WMP without developing some sort of plug-in. Also available are patches for Flac, M2TS and MP4/M4V/M4A.
This guide is intended for use on Dell systems which contain Dell MediaDirect and the Vista Operating system. It has been put together through a consumer need to reformat Dell systems as simply as possible and to remove the vast amount of bloatware contained on newly received Dell laptops. Unfamiliar to most, newly received laptops, not only contain an unnecessary amount of useless programs but also, contain unneeded alternate language files as well as registry entries created to serve the benefit of Dell and not necessarily the user. This 'bloatware' will, not only serve to slow your system a great deal, but also take up needed and valuable space.
The following guide is a compilation of the absolute best tips and tweaks found on the net as contributed through NBR members. These tips tweaks are presented to enhance the Vista user experience and have been tried and tested by several, each tweak proven very effective if the instructions are followed as described. Although these have been tested, their is no guarantee as to their effectiveness on any one system as individual hardware, software and manufacturer limitations must be considered.
I've received a number of requests for an article on how to share a folder. I know for many of you this is a very simple operation, but I finally realized there's a reason for the confusion users are having. Windows Vista includes a "Share" button on the explorer toolbar, but it doesn't work the way people used to XP/Win2k expect it to. Instead it pops up a wizard to make things "easier".
Can I remap my MediaDirect button on my M1330 so it will start Ubuntu as a separate OS to Vista?
последнее обновление 17/07/07
Заранее сорри модерам - если в faq, никто не прочитает - стопудово и так будут постить что не работает переключение раскладок и пр. Итак, в 8.04 не прописывается зачастую смена раскладок в иксы. Народ, не губите систему, не ковыряйте гном!!! Это делалось и раньше делается и сейчас следующим образом: в редакторе (через sudo - нужны права root) в файле /etc/X11/xorg.conf ищем секцию InputDevice и приводим её к следующему виду:
как сделать так, чтобы при переключении на русский язык шрифт не перескакивал на Times New Roman а оставался тот каким и печатаю
This page will serve as a free utility for remotely verifying a port is open or closed. It will be useful for users who wish to check to see if a server is running or a firewall or ISP is blocking certain ports.
SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless. Its incredibly clear, friendly interface is understandable, easy to use, and SuperDuper's built-in scheduler makes it triv