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Publishing 2.0 is a blog about how technology is transforming media, news, and journalism. Edited by Scott Carp.
The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism.
Our goals are to take stock of the revolution occurring in how Americans get information and provide a resource for citizens, journalists and researchers to make their own assessments. To do so we gather in one place as much data as possible about all the major sectors of journalism, identify trends, mark key indicators, note areas for further inquiry.
Bankruptcies, declining readership, falling ad dollars and the suburbanization of America have all contributed to the slow death of the great American newspaper. Hope for a resurgence of the printed newspaper seems like a pipe dream. However, with the Internet, there is an opportunity to reclaim immediate coverage of breaking stories. Can the technology that has so hurt them also come to the rescue of the big city newspaper?
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder, had a few words to offer ailing newspaper and media companies looking to cut costs and compete better online. The online maverick pointed to the Wikipedia business model.
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Earlier this summer, we began evaluating five U.S. daily newspapers' Web sites per week, and we ended up issuing innovation report cards for 45 publications. Only daily newspapers with a minimum print circulation of 100,000 were evaluated. What appears below is our 2009 honor roll of the most innovative U.S. metro daily newspapers' Web sites. These are the best of the big newspapers when it comes to Web innovation.
Led by Dr. Mario Garcia, the Garcia Media team includes top consultants in the fields of newspaper design, magazine design, Web strategy and design, branding and corporate communications.
The future of newspapers, copy editing, and how it all relates, like everything else, to department stores
Try this on as a new rule for newspapers: Cover what you do best. Link to the rest.
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Бывает, возьмешь в руки журнал или газету, а читать его никак не получается. Бывает, даже тема цепляет и тексты потенциально интересные, но низкосортный дизайн, низкокачественные фото и ошибочная верстка — и всё, держать в руках невозможно. Я всегда была убеждена, что никакие самые распрекрасные журналистские тексты никто не будет читать без хороших иллюстраций и дизайна.
The internet is killing newspapers and giving birth to a new sort of news business
During the past few months, the crisis in journalism has reached meltdown proportions. It is now possible to contemplate a time when some major cities will no longer have a newspaper and when magazines and network-news operations will employ no more than a handful of reporters.
Giornalista free lance, fotografo, videoreporter.
Specialista nella divulgazione tecnico-scientifica e giuridica. Esperto dei problemi dell'informazione e degli aspetti giuridici delle nuove tecnologie.
Fondatore e direttore della rivista telematica InterLex.
As newspapers continue in the evolutionary process of optimally utilizing new information technologies to meet the myriad challenges of the day, they are struggling with issues of “clarifying” and “routinizing” the innovative technology as amplified by Rogers1 in his exploration of the innovation process organizations undergo. This research offers new insights and recommendations about applied actions that can facilitate the transformation. A survey of 63 major U.S. newspaper editors quantifies which operational procedures are predictive of greater levels of integration between the traditional print product and its Internet operation, and which influence management’s belief that this integration has met its objectives. If print/online integration is the goal, the presence of one central news desk that handles stories regardless of medium and distribution platform, and online staff participation in the newspaper’s planning meetings are among the keys.
Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard
In the heydays of printed newspapers, we had some similar anomalies: newspapers with terrible designs (as judged by the designer elite) would have market penetrations equally strong as those following the latest design trends and gimmicks. So what keeps eyeballs on sites, once they’ve landed there?
As a follow-up to our research on newspaper websites that we published recently, we decided to break out a list of the best examples of “good” newspaper websites. Steve, Todd and I collaborated on the following list, judging sites not only on their web features but also on the design, aesthetics and general usability of the site [Note: this list only covers the top 100 US newspapers in terms of circulation, which is what our study looked at. We're sure that we missed some great smaller papers.].
The most useful bit of the media is disappearing. A cause for concern, but not for panic