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Все о новых технологиях и Интернете в СМИ
There are several ways to make your copy readable on the web. Yet I see sites ignoring these simple tips, all the time - especially newspapers.
Take a look at the main page of CNN.com and then take a look at USA Today.com. I think you’ll notice that even though USA Today’s is not a terrible design, by comparison it is far more chaotic in presentation. But why is this? Let’s compare a few of the individual elements from these two sites and see if that makes things clearer.
Khoi Vinh, design director of NYTimes.com, is answering questions from readers April 21-25.
I teach university courses about online journalism and the changing ways we use technologies for communication. I love seeing multimedia used well to tell journalism stories.
The Bivings Report (TBR) is a source of news, insight, research, analysis and conversation on web-based communications and its increasingly powerful role in the economy, politics and society. TBR content is created, posted and managed by internet strategists, media/communications analysts, web developers, designers and programmers, all of whom are employees of The Bivings Group.
User navigation of news websites is perhaps the biggest problem for the publishing industry since Craig Newmark did what newspapers should have been doing for years.
The data is in, and we’re ready to declare the top 15 newspaper websites of 2008! It was a hard-fought battle in a year that saw visitors to all newspaper sites rise by 12.1 percent from the year prior. We’ve ranked the top 15 by average monthly unique visitors, according to Nielsen Online, which is the source of all our data (via Editor & Publisher’s monthly reports). Analysis, charts, and fancy interactive graphics will follow later today and tomorrow, but first, let’s see the list.
Современная российская Интернет-журналистика специфична в двух аспектах: в сравнении с традиционными формами этой профессии и в сравнении российского ее сегмента с Интернет-журналистикой других стран.
Газеты не имеют будущего, если не будут развивать онлайновые и цифровые сервисы — такое мнение прозвучало на конференции, организованной Всемирной ассоциацией газет в Мадриде.
But I fundamentally believe that newspaper publishers who are prepared to experiment, innovate and invest online will create significant cultural and commercial value as a result of their efforts.
This is a conversation.
Our data and tools bring the full power of hyperlocal to your site and audience.
As more newspapers kick around the idea of charging for content, much of the attention has been focused on the pay models employed by the bigger players like the WSJ and the Financial Times. But quietly, some small- and medium-circulation papers are coming up with their own formulas to get readers to pony up for access to their websites. We checked in with some of these papers to find out how much they are charging and how they’re faring.
Providing global coverage on the economics of digital content
This is Signal vs. Noise, a weblog by 37signals about design, business, experience, simplicity, the web, culture, and more. Established 1999 in Chicago. Visit the Product Blog for more information on our products.