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Welcome to RegExr 0.3b, an intuitive tool for learning, writing, and testing Regular Expressions.
LiveDocx is a template-based document creation platform.
It allows developers to create word processing documents by combining user-defined Microsoft Word templates with data from disparate data sources, such as XML files and databases. It is typically used to create professional, print-ready word processing documents in DOCX, DOC, RTF and PDF. It's easy and well proven.
Pligg is an open source CMS (Content Management System) that you can download and use for free. Pligg CMS provides social publishing software that encourages visitors to register on your website so that they can submit content and connect with other users. Our software creates websites where stories are created and voted on by members, not website editors. Use Pligg content management system to start your own social publishing community in minutes.
Pixie is a free, open source web application that will help you quickly create your own website. Many people refer to this type of software as a content management system (cms), we prefer to call it a small, simple, website maker.
Useful code samples
1) Download PHP64 version from this link (http://icrontic.com/forum/showthread.php?t=46956)
2) Extract main zip file and find another file “php-5.2.5-x64-2007-11-12.zip”
2) Extract “php-5.2.5-x64-2007-11-12.zip” and copy the contents of “php-5.2.5 (x64)” into C:\Phpx64\
3) Pint your web services extension to C:\Phpx64\php5isapi.dll
4) Go to properties of ” Web Sites” Directory in IIS and then into HOME DIRECTORY ->CONFIGURATION -> Add or edit .php extension here. You would need to point to the same dll “C:\Phpx64\php5isapi.dll”
Популярность RSS привела к росту популярности нового класса Web-ПО под названием "программы чтения каналов", также известные как "агрегаторы каналов". Хотя на рынке имеется несколько агрегаторов каналов, нетрудно разработать и свой собственный, который можно интегрировать с вашими Web-приложениями. Вы оцените приведённые в нашей статье полнофункциональные фрагменты PHP-кода, в которых демонстрируется использование основанных на PHP серверных функций для разработки настраиваемого агрегатора RSS-каналов. Кроме того, применяя полнофункциональный код агрегатора RSS-каналов, который можно загрузить из данной статьи, вы получите отдачу немедленно.
PrivateDaddy is the unobtrusive, graceful degradation solution for protecting email addresses
CMS made for Marketing,
but built for Geeks!
concrete5 is a content management system
that is free and open source.
This plugin lets you use raw HTML or any other code in your posts. One way to use it is to wrap a part of your post in special tags (below) to prevent WordPress from converting newlines to HTML paragraphs, escaping apostrophes and so on. This is very useful if you need to add a CSS block or JavaScript to your post.
RawHTML will also add some new checkboxes to the "Edit" screen that will let you disable certain WP filters on a per-post basis. This way you can :
* Disable wptexturize (this filter creates smart quotes and other typographic characters).
* Disable automatic paragraph creation.
* Disable image smilies.
* Disable convert_chars (this filter converts ampersands to HTML entities and "fixes" some Unicode characters).
Well, being completely, utterly broke and having my current job being LITERALLY to scrape web pages for a living, I couldn't resist the temptation to take 2 minutes and write a script to, um, help remind me to check John's blog. (Sorry John!). Since John has now opened up his feed to all, I thought it would be both educational - and cleansing - to post the code here for all to see... both for the would-be poverty stricken entrepreneur types, and those who'd like to make sure their content isn't being grabbed if they don't want it to be.
A HTML DOM parser written in PHP5+ let you manipulate HTML in a very easy way!
OpenCart is an open source PHP-based online shopping cart system. A robust e-commerce solution for Internet merchants with the ability to create their own online business and participate in e-commerce at a minimal cost.
OpenCart is designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and with a visually appealing interface.
All CAPTCHA systems are doomed to fail. Unfortunately, this has not prevented eager developers using CAPTCHAs in even the most basic web to email forms.
No one likes CAPTCHAs. They are not fun. They can not be used by everyone, such as those with impaired vision or without graphics enabled. They slow down the sign-up process and, ultimately, they will lead to fewer real registrations.
The worst problem with CAPTCHAs is that they put the onus on the user. Users do not care if you are receiving thousands of spam messages or bogus accounts: that’s your problem. CAPTCHAs should be the last barrier of defence – not the first.
The vast majority of hacking attempts and bots can be prevented without resorting to CAPTCHAs. If you make it moderately difficult, spammers will simply move on to the next easier target. Here are some basic techniques that will stop the majority of spoofing attempts.
elFinder - это файловый менеджер для веб аналогичный тому, который вы используете на компьютере. Он написан на JavaScript с использованием библиотеки jQuery UI и потому прекрасно работает в любом современном браузере. Как видно из названия, на его создание нас вдохновила простота и удобство программы Finder.app из операционной системы Mac OS X.
VirtualHostX 2.0 is the easiest way to host multiple websites on your Mac. It's a GUI for Apache httpd.conf file and the perfect solution for web designers working on more than one project at a time. (Aren't we all?) No more nesting folders or asking the programmer across the cubicle for help. With VirtualHostX you can easily create and manage Apache virtual hosts with just a few clicks. Download today!
The heart and soul of the environment we’re going to build comes from MAMP — Mac, Apache, MySQL, PHP. The free version of MAMP contains everything most developers need. Simply download, install and run it as you would any normal application. We’re going to make a couple of easy changes in the MAMP preferences.
10 amazing free rich text editors that will boost your website functionality. I have collected 5 jQuery and 5 non-jQuery RTEs that come with simple features to office-like features.
This plugin is an inline content editor to allow editing rich HTML content on the fly. It's an alternative to WYMeditor with much less features. With a small file size less than 26Kb total and only 18Kb of code and 7Kb packed, the main concept is to keep it simple, not all users need font coloring or create tables, just the basic.