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Инструмент для форматирования текста с использованием норм, правил и специфики русского языка и экранной типографики. Его можно подключать ко всем редакторам текста, движкам и блогам.
Kirby is a file-based cms
Easy to setup, easy to use, flexible as hell
PieCrust is a static website generator and lightweight CMS that’s all managed with text files. No complex setup, databases, or administrative panels. Simple, beautiful, and yummy.
dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter. At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) CSS 2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is a style-driven renderer: it will download and read external stylesheets, inline style tags, and the style attributes of individual HTML elements. It also supports most presentational HTML attributes.
PHPLint is a validator and documentator for PHP 4 and PHP 5 programs. PHPLint extends the PHP language through transparent meta-code that can drive the parser to a even more strict check of the source. PHPLint is not simply a checker: it implements a new, strong typed, language implemented over the PHP language. You can build your programs from scratch with PHPLint in mind, or you can check and fix existing programs, or you can follow the quick-and-dirty PHP programming way and then add the PHPLint meta-code later once the program is finished. Whatever is the strategy you choose, PHPLint makes your programs safer, more secure, well documented and with drastically less bugs.
Для PHP необходим код, корректирующий названия месяцев в родительный падеж.
WPFunction.Me lets you quickly build all the functionality you need for your next WordPress project!
Пример использования:
echo 'Мне уже '.declension('<b>20</b>','год года лет').'!';
// выведет «Мне уже <b>20</b> лет!»
The flexible, fast, and secure template engine for PHP
Sublime-surround is a SublimeText 2 plugin for adding, deleting and modifying text around the cursor or selection.
An interactive widget for trying out regular expressions for JavaScript, and other languages (such as Sed, Ruby, or Perl). It has a simple user interface, case insensitive switch, global switch, and match index array view.
Jade is a high performance template compiler heavily influenced by Haml and implemented for PHP 5.3.
This article discusses current RGBA browser support and ways to use RGBA backgrounds in non-supporting browsers. Bonus gift: A PHP script of mine that creates fallback 1-pixel images on the fly that allow you to easily utilize RGBA backgrounds in any browser that can support png transparency. In addition, the images created are forced to be cached by the client and they are saved on the server’s hard drive for higher performance.
When you’re migrating WordPress (or any other platform using serialized PHP strings in the database) between domains, you must use a safe search and replace method that preserves the integrity of the serialized string lengths. A simple of a dump file for http://localhost to, for example, http://thenewdomain.com is problematic because the length of the string changes but the indexes for the serialized strings does not. Consequently settings are lost and widgets disappear. Not good.
CSS, PHP and JavaScript completions for Sublime Text 2.
In a previous article about Custom Post Types in WordPress 3.0 I outlined one of the most exciting features coming up in 3.0 and I noticed that people have already started building websites upon these new features. It’s not a secret that I’m working on a project myself which involves 3.0 so just like everybody else, I can’t wait to see it being released!
Turbine is a collection of PHP-powered tools that are designed to decrease css development time and web developer headache.
WordPress is a great tool for building a fully customizable blog. With custom themes, you gain full control over almost all aspects of your blog, including your markup and styles. Wouldně°˝€™t it be great if you could use Sass and Compass as well?
MaxSite CMS предназначена для создания сайтов различной сложности. На текущий момент система полностью перекрывает возможности WordPress, а по производительности и скорости работы многократно его превосходит.
Fusion Ticket is an Open Source Box Office and Ticketing Solution.
The aim is to create a usable and complete box office solution aimed at charities and small venues that don't have the extreme budget or the need for a full box office solution, whilst maintaining full functionality and large customisabilty and feature set.