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Build Better Component Libraries with Styled System | by Alan B Smith | 💅 styled-components | Medium
Component-based design is an increasingly popular process for developing web interfaces. It was once common for organizations to rely on libraries such as Bootstrap or Material UI. But with the advent of improved tooling, many teams today are building their own themes, component libraries, and design systems. This influx of design and development collaboration is generating many new, exciting systems. That said, rolling your own systems comes with its own challenges and pitfalls. A recent library, styled-system, is an effective tool for navigating some of these issues.
In this article we'll go through what Lerna and monorepo's are and how to use them to create and manage a new design system. Or skip ahead and check out the source code here.
Speed up testing with Jest and Spectator for Angular applications.
How to set up an interactive checklist using a Git pre-commit hook script.
In this article, I want to quickly introduce you to the idea of Observables, using elementary but real-life examples. There will be some basic theory at the beginning, but the rest is just me, you, and Observables. Let the fun begin!
Если ваша компания делает несколько продуктов в едином стиле, однажды вам в голову придет идея сделать библиотеку с общим кодом. Например, с UI-компонентами, сервисом авторизации или для работы со сторонними API. Возможно, вы зададитесь вопросами: кто должен поддерживать этот код? Как доносить изменения до пользователей? В конце концов, как вообще заставить их пользоваться вашей библиотекой?
Из подборки vc.ru о самых популярных статьях за год, наткнулся на эту "Как похудеть без спорта в домашних условиях на 10 кг".
Как всегда, не так интересна статья, а комментарии к ней, где каждый отчасти соглашаясь с автором «да это же очевидно, чтобы похудеть, нужно меньше есть», добавляет что-то со своей колокольни «но как можно худеть, если плохие гормоны/замедленный метаболизм/тяга на сладкое/» и т.д.
Я тренирую онлайн и один из частых запросов подопечных — это снижение веса. Я не диетолог, и не составляю рацион для людей с заболеваниями ЖКТ и прочее. Я не нутрициолог, и не составляю рационы по микроэлементам, чтобы восполнить дефициты веществ etc. Я — тренер и мотивирую (заставляю) подопечных тренироваться под моим контролем до тех пор, пока это не войдет в устойчивую привычку, а чтобы тренинг не сопровождался упадком сил, травмами, недовосстановлением, помогаю корректировать питание. Да и яркие результаты в тренировках возможны только при правильно подобранном рационе. Когда все эти условия выполняются, мой подопечный неизбежно худеет, даже тогда, когда такой задачи не ставилось.
Так что накопившийся опыт позволяет порассуждать в этом направлении и разобрать частые заблуждения относительно процесса снижения веса, которые очередной раз встретились в комментариях.
A new exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler in Switzerland delves into the American artist's landscapes.
Configuration for our beloved frontend tools is hot lava. Today CLI tools as create-react-app or Vue cli abstract away most of the configuration, other than providing sane defaults.
Even then, understanding how things work under the hood is beneficial because sooner or later you'll need to make some adjustment to the defaults.
In this post we're going to see how babel preset-env, core-js, and browserslistrc work nicely together to enable newer JavaScript features for older browsers.
Shipping accessible features is as essential for a frontend developer as shipping features without bugs. Here is a list of tools I regularly use to make sure everything I do is accessible for folks with different abilities, whether they are blind or holding a sandwich in their hand. I’ll start with tools that will give us immediate feedback when we’re writing code, and continue with tools that we have to run ourselves or guide us on how to test things manually. This article will be useful not only for developers but also for designers, project managers, and other team members — many of the tools could be used directly in the browser and don’t require any technical knowledge.
I’ve been writing end-to-end tests for the place I work at, which has its main product written in Google’s AngularJS. The dedicated E2E testing framework for AngularJS is the Protractor framework. While it’s a nice project, the documentation is a bit terse at times, and a lot of my understanding came, unsurprisingly, from Stack Overflow. Here are some of my key learnings, also for future reference. Some of it may seem a little obvious, but my experience with JavaScript doesn’t go much further than <script>alert('Hello World!')</script> so bear with me here.
Поднимите руку, если когда-нибудь сталкивались с такой ситуацией: вы получили текст со странными прямоугольниками или вопросительными знаками.
Рады представить вам историю создания проекта шрифтовой гарнитуры TT Marxiana.
A gentle introduction to why Webpack exists, what problems it solves, and how to use it.
How an emerging CSS standard can fix old problems and raise the bar for web apps
When optimizing for long-term maintenance, we have a few choices. I like to bet on monorepo. A monolithic repository is a simple idea. You organize the code of all your services in a single repository. It has a few advantages over using a separate repository for each service.
Reusing code is easy. Once you abstract a coherent unit of code into a module, you can then import it from anywhere.
Continuous integration runs tests against the entire monorepo, so once PR is merged you bump the version of all sub-services and there is no doubt what versions are compatible with each other. Version 1.2 of service A is always compatible with version 1.2 of service B. This is why complex projects with multiple dependencies often use monorepo as well (Babel, React, Angular, Jest). Due to the very same reason, large-scale refactorings are also feasible.
You maintain one third-party dependencies tree. It's too easy, especially with all NPM goodies, to end up with two different versions of the same library and having to sync them across different repositories manually gives me a headache. Having one main package-lock.json is a real time-saver.
Monorepo forces collaboration, it encourages having the same coding style by having a single config for your linter/code formatter/module bundler and so on.
Learn how to avoid sudden layout shifts to improve user-experience
We set out to make the WordPress project bootstrap process painless and future-proof. To do this, we use a combination of Jenkins, some custom WP-CLI commands, and a custom Pantheon upstream.
With the release of v3.3 of iTerm2 (I only just recently noticed this version mixup – v3 of v2 🙈) a Minimal and Compact theme entered the stage. That motivated me to prettify my iTerm2/ZSH terminal.
Today, I'm very pleased with my setup, and people asked me to share my settings – so here we are!
The first thing you should do to be able to use Lando is (surprise, surprise!) install it on your computer. The installation process is extremely simple and is very well documented.