38 private links
But just exactly how much faster is an SSD than using a high-quality microSD card? To find out, I attached an M.2 NVMe SSD in a USB enclosure to my Raspberry Pi 4 and ran a few tests. #f:article #hardware #raspberrypi
To this day it can still be treacherous to buy a storage adapter for your Raspberry Pi 4. There are many that will not work properly and perform very poorly. #f:article #hardware
I’ve covered which adapters work and don’t work in my Native USB Booting Guide as well as my old “workaround” SD + SSD method guide and over the years people have submitted hundreds of comments about which adapters do and don’t work.
From everything we’ve learned together in the comments and adapters I personally own/use I wanted to compile this information into a new “Best Storage Adapters for Raspberry Pi 4” list. Let’s get started!
Nextcloud is a fantastic system, but it's not your backup. This post will show you how to backup Nextcloud so you can ensure your data is safe.
When testing svelte components in a node environment and using them outside of a Svelte application, we will be mostly interacting programmatically with Svelte’s client-side API as well as the helpers found in @testing-library/svelte.
Accessibility is unfortunately still an afterthought on many projects. User interaction and accessibility requirements are poorly documented, at best. Or forgotten, when handing over designs to developer teams. And fixing it later costs a LOT more than building it right to begin with. Great documentation helps teams implement accessibility requirements the right way. I will tell you why, what and how designers can document different aspects of accessibility and user interactions requirements, to build better more inclusive products.
via: axe-con confence
SvelteKit is a relatively new SSR framework for SvelteJS. We can compare it to NextJS, but instead of using React, it uses Svelte. In this tutorial, you'll learn how you can create a blog website with SvelteKit and Strapi as a CMS.
I used to be a big fan of CSS-in-JS (JSS), but now I'm back to preprocessed CSS. Regression? Technophobia? Or justified choice? Let me explain.
From fonts to animated movies, curves and surfaces constitute fundamental building blocks of many geometrical designs. Over the course of this blog post I’ll explain how this model of a mask can be very smooth despite being described by a limited number of small points that you can drag around to change the mask’s shape:
Эта статья для тех, кто не использует generic-типы в TypeScript: не знают о них, боятся использовать или используют вместо реальных типов — any.
I'm sure you've heard of WordPress, and you may or may not like it.
In this article, I'll show you how you can leverage only the good parts of WordPress by using it as a headless CMS for your next project.
As the front-end, we'll be using the new popular static site generator Astro.
Let's dive a bit into the details of what we are working with.
Design systems are great for developer efficiency, visual consistency, and accessible experiences. But measurement can be challenging, and even here at Sparkbox we’re often relying on anecdotes from our own projects or from self-reported metrics that we’ve gathered from our annual design systems survey. We wanted more proof, so we decided to test our hypothesis, “design systems help developers produce better code faster.” Our test subjects? A handful of willing Sparkbox developers.
via CSS-Tricks mailing list (https://css-tricks.com/newsletter/276-future-friendly-layouts-and-design-system-vitals/)
How to unify anatomy and props across code and design tools
Choosing a UI web framework or library is often difficult. There are plenty to choose from, so you have to take different factors into account: number and quality of the components, performance, ongoing development, license or language support. Way too often accessibility (a11y) doesn't make it high on that list, unfortunately.
preventDefault and stopPropagation: when to use which and what exactly each method does
Modern front-end web development encourages breaking up of designs into reusable, repeatable and unique components. A component is a piece of markup capable of holding – but is separate from – content within it.
Learn how to instantly improve online viewing experience for your users by embracing the new AV1 video format that is already supported by Chrome and Firefox. This short guide will also show how to replace your GIF’s with videos, using AV1 or H.264, to make your files twenty to forty times smaller.
Mechanics, interaction, & experience build a better system.
If you work in the front-end, you've probably heard a lot about TailwindCSS, a CSS library, much like Bootstrap. Much unlike Bootstrap, however, Tailwind takes a different approach - it is all "utility classes".
And I am not a fan. I got a whiff of it and quickly learned the name is appropos: it was as welcome and useful as passed gas.