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During the past few months, the crisis in journalism has reached meltdown proportions. It is now possible to contemplate a time when some major cities will no longer have a newspaper and when magazines and network-news operations will employ no more than a handful of reporters.
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Specialista nella divulgazione tecnico-scientifica e giuridica. Esperto dei problemi dell'informazione e degli aspetti giuridici delle nuove tecnologie.
Fondatore e direttore della rivista telematica InterLex.
As newspapers continue in the evolutionary process of optimally utilizing new information technologies to meet the myriad challenges of the day, they are struggling with issues of “clarifying” and “routinizing” the innovative technology as amplified by Rogers1 in his exploration of the innovation process organizations undergo. This research offers new insights and recommendations about applied actions that can facilitate the transformation. A survey of 63 major U.S. newspaper editors quantifies which operational procedures are predictive of greater levels of integration between the traditional print product and its Internet operation, and which influence management’s belief that this integration has met its objectives. If print/online integration is the goal, the presence of one central news desk that handles stories regardless of medium and distribution platform, and online staff participation in the newspaper’s planning meetings are among the keys.
Writing a book, short story or research paper is about more than hammering away at the keys until it's done. Research, scrawling fragmentary ideas that don't seem to fit anywhere yet, collecting faded photos from old newspapers, shuffling index cards to find that elusive structure - most writing software is only fired up after much of the hard work is already done. Enter Scrivener: writing software that stays with you from that first, unformed idea all the way through to the first - or even final - draft. Outline and structure your ideas. Take notes. Storyboard your masterpiece using a powerful virtual corkboard. View research while you write. Track themes using keywords. Dynamically combine multiple scenes into a single text just to see how they fit. Scrivener has already been enthusiastically adopted by best-selling novelists, academics, lawyers, script writers and journalists - whatever you write, grow your ideas in style.
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Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard
Авторский проект Екатерины Алеевой. Книги и публикации по журналистике
An online newspaper has to be different from the print product.
Wurman coined the term 'information architecture' almost 30 years ago. While 'information architecture' has a different connotation today, for the purposes of this interview, it is treated as synonymous with 'information design'.
Добро пожаловать в ITpedia, энциклопедию об информационных технологиях, которую может редактировать каждый.
Семиотика — наука о знаках — была основой теории графического дизайна как визуальной коммуникации. Согласно этой модели профессии, всё, произведённое дизайнером-графиком, является знаками, или «визуальными текстами». В виртуально-средовой фазе развития визуальной культуры бесчисленное множество знаков образовало новую историческую общность. Единую символическую сферу, знакосферу, обретающую самостоятельное существование. Визуальные тексты сомкнулись в визуальные контексты, которые стали важнее самих тестов. Мир стал информационным обществом, произведением графического дизайна.
Following my art icle in Design in Flight I’ve received count less emails to elab or ate, in some way, on how to cor rectly design grid sys tems. It’s quite a com plic ated field and so dis tilling it into ‘Five Simple Steps’ has proven to be quite tricky, so much so that I thought I needed to write some sort of pre face before we get on to the first part.
Vocab makes it easy to revise for tests - and learn the words - quickly and successfully. Add as many words as you like to a wordlist, choose “Use for Widget” to see a random word every time you show Dashboard. And when you’re ready, take a test to see how well you’re doing, and what you need to revise more. Vocab also enables you to track your progress, so you feel ready and really confident when it comes to the real thing.
In the heydays of printed newspapers, we had some similar anomalies: newspapers with terrible designs (as judged by the designer elite) would have market penetrations equally strong as those following the latest design trends and gimmicks. So what keeps eyeballs on sites, once they’ve landed there?
As a follow-up to our research on newspaper websites that we published recently, we decided to break out a list of the best examples of “good” newspaper websites. Steve, Todd and I collaborated on the following list, judging sites not only on their web features but also on the design, aesthetics and general usability of the site [Note: this list only covers the top 100 US newspapers in terms of circulation, which is what our study looked at. We're sure that we missed some great smaller papers.].
The most useful bit of the media is disappearing. A cause for concern, but not for panic
Il blog su media di Roberto Zarriello
Всё, что есть в мире, в той или иной степени оценивается по внешнему виду. Для первого взгляда на вещь эта степень зачастую бывает завышена. Но по прошествии какого-то времени, мнение иногда меняется. «Встречают по одёжке, провожают по уму». Для сайтов конечными факторами оценки являются наполнение и удобность использования. Именно об одном из факторов удобности использования сайта и пойдёт речь в этой статье. А именно – о навигации.
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