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Google is developing a micropayment platform that will be “available to both Google and non-Google properties within the next year,” according to a document the company submitted to the Newspaper Association of America. The system, an extension of Google Checkout, would be a new and unexpected option for the news industry as it considers how to charge for content online.
Интернет - продукт своего времени. Если информационная технология - это нынешний эквивалент электричества в эпоху индустриализации, то современный Интернет можно было бы уподобить энергетической системе и электродвигателю, потому что он способен поставлять «информационную энергию» для любых сфер человеческой деятельности. Более того, если новые способы производства и распределения электроэнергии превратили промышленные предприятия и крупные корпорации в организационную основу индустриального общества, то Интернет выполняет роль технологического базиса для организационной разновидности информационной эры - Сети.
Bits offers a steady stream of news and analysis on the technology industry throughout the day from New York Times writers and freelancers. We cover start-ups, tech leaders like Google and Apple, enterprise technology, government policies and the way the Internet is changing how we live and work. Read more.
The funny thing about newspapers today is that their audience is growing at a remarkable clip. Their underlying business model is being attacked by multiple forces, but their online audience is growing faster than their print audience is shrinking. As of January, print circulation had declined from 62 million to 49 million since my days at the College Hill Bookstore. But their online audience has grown from zero to 75 million over that period. Measured by pure audience interest, newspapers have never been more relevant. If they embrace this role as an authoritative guide to the entire ecosystem of news, if they stop paying for content that the web is already generating on its own, I suspect in the long run they will be as sustainable and as vital as they have ever been. The implied motto of every paper in the country should be: all the news that’s fit to link.
Print is undead—and NYC is the only city where you can still read all about it
The State of the News Media 2009 is the sixth edition of our annual report on the health and status of American journalism.
Our goals are to take stock of the revolution occurring in how Americans get information and provide a resource for citizens, journalists and researchers to make their own assessments. To do so we gather in one place as much data as possible about all the major sectors of journalism, identify trends, mark key indicators, note areas for further inquiry.
The newspaper business has had a difficult time raising online revenues, recently considering charging for content through paid subscriptions or "micropayments." But newspapers should by all rights be able to devise some kind of remunerative online publishing strategy, considering the spectacular growth in online audiences over just the last five years.
Bankruptcies, declining readership, falling ad dollars and the suburbanization of America have all contributed to the slow death of the great American newspaper. Hope for a resurgence of the printed newspaper seems like a pipe dream. However, with the Internet, there is an opportunity to reclaim immediate coverage of breaking stories. Can the technology that has so hurt them also come to the rescue of the big city newspaper?
Апрель 1995 года – создание веб-сайта «Учительской газеты» (www.ug.ru) – первого оффлайнового СМИ в интернете.
Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia founder, had a few words to offer ailing newspaper and media companies looking to cut costs and compete better online. The online maverick pointed to the Wikipedia business model.
Bakersfield Californian newspaper online: Kern County news, events, shopping & search
В результате стремительного развития Интернета журналистика в последние годы приобрела ярко выраженные новые черты. Почти к двум тысячам ежедневных газет и журналов, представленных сегодня во Всемирной паутине, присоединяются и аудиовизуальные СМИ (телевидение, радио и т.д.). Встреча всех традиционных СМИ в Интернете является столкновением различных "журналистских культур", самоопределяющихся разными техническими особенностями передачи и оформления информации.
А потому цель данной работы в рамках семинара - ответить на следующие вопросы:
* Расширяет и обогащает ли онлайн-журналистика уже состоявшиеся виды и формы журналистики или же она все-таки является абсолютно новым видом массовых коммуникаций?
* Что может противопоставить интерактивная журналистика обычной, традиционной?
Прежде чем приступать к описанию тенденций развития медийного сектора российского интернета, характерных для различных периодов его существования (и, соответственно, предложить вариант периодизации), разумно было бы классифицировать типы ресурсов, представленных внутри сектора. Тем более, что общепринятой классификации ресурсов до сих пор не существует.
There are four main Grid types overall used (columnar, baseline, modular and hierarchical). First columnar grids were explained. These are most commonly used and are to be recognized by vertical separation of text.
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Earlier this summer, we began evaluating five U.S. daily newspapers' Web sites per week, and we ended up issuing innovation report cards for 45 publications. Only daily newspapers with a minimum print circulation of 100,000 were evaluated. What appears below is our 2009 honor roll of the most innovative U.S. metro daily newspapers' Web sites. These are the best of the big newspapers when it comes to Web innovation.
В статье на фоне наиболее значимых социально-политических событий рассматриваются проблемы медийного рынка Италии, сдвиги в системе СМИ и состояние как традиционных, так и новых коммуникационных средств. Особое внимание уделено исследованию «медийной диеты» молодых итальянцев и развитию политической коммуникации в интернете.
The internet is killing newspapers and giving birth to a new sort of news business
Attualmente costituiscono ADS le seguenti Associazioni: UPA (Utenti Pubblicità Associati), Assocomunicazione (Associazione delle Imprese di Comunicazione) e UNICOM (Unione Nazionale delle Imprese di Comunicazione), che rappresentano la "parte Utenti-Agenzie", FIEG (Federazione Italiana Editori Giornali) e FCP (Federazione Concessionarie di Pubblicità ) che rappresentano la "parte Editori-Concessionarie".