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X’s are everywhere in user interface (UI) design. A powerful symbol, [x] is capable of closing windows and popups, toolbars and tabs and anything else that might otherwise be cluttering up your screen. via Pocket
Information architecture is fundamentally about organizing information and providing structure in a way that makes sense.
Different site structure types ("IA models")
Сегодня, 13 ноября, Международный день слепых. via Pocket
Luckily, the bash shell has some fairly well-developed history functions. Learning how to affectively use and manipulate your bash history will allow you to spend less time typing and more time getting actual work done. Many developers are familiar with the DRY philosophy of Don't Repeat Yourself. Effective use of bash's history allows you to operate closer to this principle and will speed up your work flow.
For me, design should be tactile. I don’t mean that in a skeuomorphic kind of way, so don’t get your tighty-whiteys in a bunch. I mean it should feel real, like something you can own, something you can be proud of. via Pocket
В политической теории существует множество определений демократии, и каждое из них указывает на ряд ее характерных черт. via Pocket
Introduction This guide is for you if you understand the sentences "Professoril on kolm telefoni" and "Ministrid restoranides ei tantsi" but you do not know which of the following 30 sentences are correct (10 of them are): Olime pangas. via Pocket
Here is your mission, should you choose to accept it: create a table of items. Each item should span a third of the content area, with the fourth item starting on a new row, much like floats. However, a particular item must always display the price at the end of the first row. via Pocket
Меня зовут Дарья Калинина, и в Яндекс.Деньгах я отвечаю за развитие интерфейсов. via Pocket
«С тех самых пор, как Samsung создала свою линию Galaxy Note, тем самым открыв рынок «больших телефонов», подобные девайсы называются фаблетами. via Pocket
We might not like to admit it but deception is deeply entwined with life on this planet. Insects evolved to use it, animals employ it in their behavior, and of course, we humans use it to manipulate, control, and profit from each other. via Pocket
How do we make navigation as simple and predictable as possible? As explained in part 1311 of this series, the first two steps are to structure content in a way that naturally narrows the navigation options, and to explain those options in a way that minimizes the cognitive load on users. via Pocket
Want to see just how inhumane most of our web apps and sites are? Imagine those web apps and sites as human beings with whom you are trying to have a civil conversation. You’ll find that most of them are rather … inhumane! via Pocket
In today’s world of infinite-scrolling websites and touch devices, you must understand interaction design in order to create user experiences that feel fluid and life-like. As described in Interaction Design Best Practices Vol. via Pocket
IT-интерфейсы часто растут из физических. Например, вот аппаратные чекбоксы: Стоит упомянуть пакетик сахара. via Pocket
Чтобы научиться дизайну, мы записались на курс Design 101 от trydesignlab.com. Первые уроки были посвящены визуальной иерархии. via Pocket
There’s no doubt that animating user interfaces is a rising trend. Risen enough that the emphasis is often put on the animation itself, rather than on improving the user experience through subtle and functional animation. via Pocket
Прежде всего, считаю нужным уточнить несколько моментов:Эта статья не про какие-либо возможные недостатки интерфейса панели администрирования, тем оформления via Pocket
Every website needs an audience. And every audience needs a goal. Advocating for end-user needs is the very foundation of the user experience disciplines. We make websites for real people. Those real people are able to do real things. Everyone is happy. But, it’s not really that easy, is it? via Pocket
Great software design incorporates a number of timeless principles for human-computer interaction. The principles described here form the foundation of elegant, efficient, intuitive, and delightful apps. A mental model is the concept of an object or experience that people carry in their heads. via Pocket