38 private links
Add Sass variables to gulp stream, so that you can use for example environment variables in your Sass build process.
In the wake of React—Facebook’s UI library—came Webpack, a simple but awesome module bundler. Module bundlers are just what they are called, they bundle up JavaScript modules into one file. This way, when the client makes a request to your server, it doesn’t have to make multiple requests for static files. Instead, one file is requested, which in some cases, includes your JavaScript bundle and CSS style. This helps optimize load time and makes you more in control as you can choose to include only what you need when you need it.
SassDoc is to Sass what JSDoc is to JavaScript: a documentation system to build pretty and powerful docs in the blink of an eye.
UnCSS is a tool that removes unused CSS from your stylesheets. It works across multiple files and supports Javascript-injected CSS.
Right now, I have a near frictionless CSS workflow. I write in Sass, compile with Libsass and get vendor prefixes added with PostCSS/Autoprefixer via Gulp/Grunt. Why would I want to upset that?
eyeglass is a node-sass (github) extension manager built on top of npm. Using eyeglass, you can bring the power of node modules to your Sass files. [Allows to do a global import sass files in a folder]
Minify images seamlessly
Icons! We see them all over the web, and they're essential to most pattern libraries and web design systems. I recently needed to implement such a system. It had to be non-prescriptive, scalable, and dynamically editable via CSS. The icons were to be used by multiple teams in many different applications, built with various frameworks and techniques. They needed to have the ability to be restyled, get cached, and be updated quickly and easily as more icons are added. Basically, the icon system needed to be really, really flexible. Challenge accepted.
certainlyakey starred una/svg-icon-system-boilerplate
certainlyakey starred CSSSR/csssr-project-template
Gulp Starter is a delicious blend of tasks and build tools poured into Gulp to form a full-featured modern asset pipeline. It can be used as-is as a static site builder, or can be configured and integrated into your own development environment and site or app structure. The extras folder contains configuration details for Rails and Craft, with more to follow. Check out the compiled demo and play with the source files!
certainlyakey starred phated/gulp-jade