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A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library.
Java-applet that helps you test regular expressions flavor of the Sun Java standard API (java.util.regex)
A lot of blogs and websites that have a wide range of users tend to have buttons or images that change the text size for easier readability. This can easily be implemented with a bit of JavaScript and some HTML to attach it to. There are libraries out there that do this, but in many cases it is likely overkill. Simplicity is generally better where possible.
Smooth link scrolling alleviates this a little, by scrolling the page to the new link rather than jumping there directly. Try the links below (and the "back to top" links) to jump around the document to see the effect. Happy scrolling!
There are many ways to go about accomplishing this feature. The best way to accomplish this is with this code that I found at Perishable Press. Many others have chosen to do this by adding inline JavaScript to their HTML markup, and we all know that that is a big no-no in today’s world. Today, with the use of the powerful Document Object Model, or DOM, we are able to manipulate our markup without actually changing anything.
Ниже приведен пример реализации такого элемента пользовательского интерфейса как slider или, в простонародии, ползунок с помощью JavaScript. Задача скрипта такова, чтобы можно было размещать на странице произвольное количество slider'ов и контролировать (получать/задавать) их состояние, а также была возможность изменять внешний вид элементов. Ну и конечно же не забываем про кроссбраузерность.
Whenever one builds a website, one issue is always guaranteed time consuming: highlighting the current page or section in the website with a different style.
Stack Overflow is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for programmers — regardless of platform or language. It's 100% free, no registration required.
This beautifier can process your messy or compacted javascript, making it all neatly and consistently formatted and readable.
JS Bin is a webapp specifically designed to help JavaScript and CSS folk test snippets of code, within some context, and debug the code collaboratively. JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML (reloading the URL also maintains the state of your code - new tabs doesn't). Once you're happy you can save, and send the URL to a peer for review or help. They can then make further changes saving anew if required.
Javascript is often used on the browser client side to perform simple tasks that would otherwise require a full postback to the server. Many of those simple tasks involve processing text or characters entered into a form element on a web page, and it is often necessary to know the javascript keycode associated with a character. Here is a reference.
When using custom animations in jQuery you need to understand the animate() function and how it works.
Cufón aims to become a worthy alternative to sIFR, which despite its merits still remains painfully tricky to set up and use
Not your mother's JavaScript.
Get interactive...
imageКому не нравится jQuery? Это быстрая и простая javascript-библиотека стала очень популярной в 2008 году. В этой статье я собрал список восьми очень полезных jQuery-техник, советов и хитростей.
The Columnizer jQuery Plugin will automatically layout your content in newspaper column format. You can specify either column width or a static number of columns. And, of course, it’s easy to use!
Блог посвящен всему что имеет отношение к веб разработке. От мыслей об организации работы, до конкретных технических приемах и их реализации. Указывать весь список разделов не буду так как уверен что он будет расширятся по мере обретения знаний и опыта в определенных сферах.
Run instant usability studies for your website using your real users. You can get it up & running in seconds with one line of javascript, and immediately watch movies of your users’ browsing sessions to analyze their behavior.