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Flowplayer is an Open Source (GPL 3) video player for the Web. Use it to embed video streams into your web pages.
Built for site owners, developers, hobbyists, businesses and serious programmers.
Flash technology ensures that 98% of all Internet users can see your videos. Highly skinnable and extendable. No other software makes it easier.
Unobtrusive links, onclicks, etc.
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Недавно нашел интересный метод обесцветить, т.е. сделать черно-белым любой элемент на веб странице, будь то изображение, таблица, форма или что-либо еще.
Казалось бы, зачем это может понадобиться? Однако у меня сразу же появилась мысль о том, где такая возможность пригодиться. Довольно часто в моей практике встречались дизайны, в которых существовали элементы управления (различные кнопки, иконки) в двух видах - цветной, обозначающий что элемент активен, и серый, обозначающий что элемент не активен и нажимать на него не имеет смысла. Раньше я использовал два разных изображения - одно цветное, одно черно-белое, и если элемент деактивировался, то я подставлял нецветную картинку. Недостаток такого метода в том, что браузер должен подгружать дополнительную картинку, и хуже всего, что этих картинок может быть довольно много…
Click the really big link above to activate auto-scroll (you may want to make your window small enough to have significant scroll space
Instead of creating images or using flash just to show your site's graphic text in the font you want, you can use typeface.js and write in plain HTML and CSS, just as if your visitors had the font installed locally. This is a work in progress, but functional enough at least to render the the graphic text on this site. Here's what it takes to get going: load the typeface.js library and some typeface.js fonts, then proceed like normal.
There are litterally an unlimitted number of ways to toggle an element’s display with JavaScript. Some, more useful than others. Dating back to the late nineties, toggling is perhaps the oldest trick in the book within JavaScript development. However, to this day, it still proves itself useful as hiding/showing elements can improve user interaction (when done tastefully).
The quality and functionality of maps on the internet is improving all the time, soon a website without a map will look out of place. Maps range from the most simple to very complex applications.
The links provided on this page should give you an idea of what the Google Maps API is all about, albeit only from the services that Google provide.
Слово this является одним из наиболее мощных ключевых слов JavaScript. Но могут возникнуть трудности с его использованием, если вы точно не знаете, как оно работает и где применяется.
Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet The Regular Expressions cheat sheet is a one-page reference sheet. It is a guide to patterns in regular expressions, and is not specific to any single language.
Regular expressions are an essential part of any programmer’s toolkit. They can be very handy when you need to identify, replace or modify text, words, patterns or characters. In a nutshell: regular expressions (regex) are like a Swiss army knife for modifying strings of just about anything. Need to make your site URLs look pretty? Use regex. Need to remove all punctuation from a sentence? Definitely use regex. The uses for regular expressions are almost limitless.
I am a senior developer for Summit Technology in North Alabama. I have been designing and coding websites for over 7 years using .NET, PHP, Java, XHTML, CSS and JavaScript. I have been fortunate to work on a wide range of projects from large intranets to fortune 500 e-commerce storefronts. I am currently available on a very limited basis for interesting freelance work.
JavaScript has an inbuilt support for dates and times with its Date object. The methods of the Date object return various values associated with date and time.
This tool uses YUI Compressor 2.4.2
This tool allows you to highlight your C#, VB, ASPX, HTML, XML, JavaScript code for publishing on a web site or in a blog.
Raphaël is a small JavaScript library that should simplify your work with vector graphics on the web. If you want to create your own specific chart or image crop and rotate widget, for example, you can achieve it simply and easily with this library.
I love how I can use jQuery to solve all of my problems. When I was working on a website for The Lighting of the National Christmas Tree, I had to create a page that displayed all of the ornaments. Thank god for the jQuery clone() method, which saved me loads of time and effort.
Demo of using jQuery UI on top of Google Maps
ThemeRoller allows you to design custom jQuery UI themes for tight integration in your projects. To create a custom theme, select the Roll your own tab and tweak the settings. As you work, the UI components to the right will update to reflect your design and you can download your theme whenever you like.