38 private links
Run instant usability studies for your website using your real users. You can get it up & running in seconds with one line of javascript, and immediately watch movies of your users’ browsing sessions to analyze their behavior.
Расстановка переносов on-line
In this article, we’ll demystify 12 javascript solutions for the most common CSS issues that you’ll encounter when building web applications.
// Author: Igor Lidin
Игру «линии», думаю, знают многие. Цель — выстроить как можно больше линий из пяти одинаковых шариков. При каждом ходе на поле выкидываются по три случайных шарика. Максим Захаров отлично реализовал игру на JavaScript. Замечательная графика и очень даже хороший код.
A wall of design ideas, web trends, and tutorials.
My jQuery plugins, and other scripts. Home of ScrollTo, SerialScroll, LocalScroll
Description: Step Carousel Viewer displays images or even rich HTML by side scrolling them left or right. Users can step to any specific panel on demand, or browse the gallery sequentially by stepping through x number of panels each time. A smooth sliding animation is used to transition between steps. And fear not in taming this script to go exactly where you want it to- two public methods, two custom event handlers, and three "status" variables are here for that purpose. Some highlights of this script:
The JavaScript Verifier
Javascript countdown timer on Submit button delaying its enabling
If there was ever a universal common.js shared among the entire develosphere, you’d fine these ten (plus one bonus) functions. It would be the swiss army knife no developer would go into production without. They have no doubt been tested tried and true and have proven usefulness and helpfulness to all those who’ve used them. So without further ado, here are what I believe to the top ten greatest custom JavaScript functions in use today.
Bubble Tooltips are an easy way to add (via a bit of CSS and javascript) fancy tooltips with a balloon shape to any web page. Before we begin, here it is the example: just roll over any link to see them in action.
Представляю вашему вниманию 10 наиболее полезных скриптов jQuery для улучшения интерфейса вашего сайта.
Bookmarklets are free tools to help with repetitive or otherwise impossible tasks in your web browser.
Yawning, and smearing my eyes with my fingers...
Довольно часто некоторые заказчики, отдавая макет сайта на вёрстку, требуют попиксельно достоверной точности в разметке во всех браузерах
The Custom Buttons² Firefox extension provides the code base support necessary to create, maintain, import, and export custom toolbar buttons. These custom buttons can be written to do various tasks that the user may require.
Пользователи любят, когда то, что им непонятно, разъясняется прям тут же, на месте. Но далеко не все веб-мастера удосуживаются сделать что-то
In the scripts that post to your account, you will need to change USERNAME to your own username. I tried to name the bookmarklets as usefully as possible, so hopefully the link title is appropriate.
Part of the Zebra Table Showdown.