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All throughout 2012 there has been an enormous surge in new web design trends. Some of you may remember my earlier post on web design trends going into 2012. Now we can see many of these ideas have come to fruition, and even adopted further increasing levels of novelty. In this article I would like to delve into 20 more design trends for the new 2013 year.
Compile several SCSS files in a folder structure into a WP-compatible CSS
Задача, которую решает модель CSS3 Grid Layout, очень проста и понятна любому веб-верстальщику (да и не только ему): предоставить удобный механизм расположения контента по виртуальной сетке.
A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery - the flip-side of CSS floats
Holmes.CSS puts colored outlines around potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML markup.
A polyfill, or polyfiller, is a piece of code (or plugin) that provides the technology that you, the developer, expect the browser to provide natively. Flattening the API landscape if you will.
Bourbon is a library of sass mixins that are designed to be simple and easy to use. No configuration required.
A modular scale, like a musical scale, is a prearranged set of harmonious proportions.
The script adds vertical rules (left border) to selected paragraphs. Of the several methods suggested in a thread on Adobe's InDesign forum -- paragraph rule, dropcap on pipe symbol, placing paragraphs in a table cell, graphic rule in an anchored frame -- the latter seemed the most flexible and manageable.
We're trying a new way to teach and learn html/css/js. Basically, you just need to write HTML, CSS, Javascript code inside code editors and we'll record whatever you type. Other people can then "playback" your recording in a video style and learn how you made your creation.
Search through HTML files for elements that match a CSS selector.
This article discusses current RGBA browser support and ways to use RGBA backgrounds in non-supporting browsers. Bonus gift: A PHP script of mine that creates fallback 1-pixel images on the fly that allow you to easily utilize RGBA backgrounds in any browser that can support png transparency. In addition, the images created are forced to be cached by the client and they are saved on the server’s hard drive for higher performance.
In CSS we have many ways to style things in any way we want. When it gets to forms though, things get a little complicated. Text inputs are easy, but checkboxes and radio buttons are very difficult to style with CSS. In this tutorial I’ll show you exactly how to style these inputs and make awesome forms with just CSS!
I’d like to share a small tip about handling color variables. First - descriptive variables (like $lightblue:#001eef), than redefine them with meaningful variables (like $linkcolor: $lightblue).
I think it’s great if a CSS developer wants to learn the ins and outs of specificity, because it is an important aspect of how CSS works. But I’m going to put forth an argument here that CSS specificity is quite overrated and, in fact, learning about CSS specificity has the potential to degrade the quality of your code.
Or, less presumptuously: How to name and apply classes and id’s for flexibility, future-proofing, and maintainability.
It's a new Chrome Experiment called 100,000 Stars that visualizes the stellar neighborhood. Using your mouse or trackpad, you can zoom in and out to explore our galaxy. Zooming in reveals the names of the most prominent stars close to our sun – click each name to learn more about it and see a digital rendition.