38 private links
ANDI (Accessible Name & Description Inspector) is a "favelet" or "bookmarklet" used by web developers and testers to inspect web content for accessibility.
Tired of reading all this various web-content of mediocre quality at best?
Help is near: Click the «LoremIpsum!» bookmarklet and any web-page will display the text the best of designers have been preferring for the last 500 years. Trust the experts: Millions of designers and type setters can't be wrong!
Remix and share web pages instantly (bookmarklet)
Design is a suite of web-design and development assistive tools which can be utilised on any web-page. Encompassing utilities for grid layout, measurement and alignment, Design is a uniquely powerful JavaScript bookmarklet.
Holmes.CSS puts colored outlines around potentially invalid, inaccessible or erroneous HTML markup.
I have quite an extensive collection of bookmarklets that I’ve presented here for your convenience, I recommend all of them. There’s also a round-up of tutorials and resources at the bottom.
Create your own "requires-jQuery-to-run" bookmarklet!
Wirify is a bookmarklet that lets you turn any web page into a wireframe in one click. It’s lightweight and works in many modern browsers.
SuperGenPass is a different kind of password manager. Instead of storing your passwords on your hard disk or online—where they are vulnerable to theft and data loss—SuperGenPass uses a hash algorithm to transform a master password into unique, complex passwords for the Web sites you visit. There’s no software to install: SuperGenPass is a bookmarklet and runs right in your Web browser. And since it never stores or transmits your passwords, it’s ideal for use on multiple and public computers. It’s also completely free.
Enter blackr. blackr is a bookmarklet you can put in your browser's bookmarks bar. Later, when you are on a photo page or one of the “All sizes” pages on flickr, you can click the bookmarklet and it will hide everything on the page behind a soothing b
Many (but not yet all) YouTube videos are available in higher-quality QuickTime versions, and many sites have published methods of downloading those higher quality versions. However, this blog post contains a slick bookmarklet that actually replaces the Y
- Highlight a word, phrase or domain name (eg. templates.net) on a webpage and click the button.
- If you don't highlight any text before clicking, you will be shown the whois data for the website you are currently viewing.