38 private links
One thing that remains constant across these devices are their users. Technologies come and go every year, but people stay the same. Existing form factors: pads, tabs and boards still make sense, and will continue to do so for the forseeable future. As a result, ergonomic considerations like touch target sizing, readable text and image size remain constant. Fingers will be fingers and eyes will be eyes! Our bodies are firmly rooted in the physical world, and the interfaces we create should reflect that.
A visual way to understand CSS specificity. Change the selectors or paste in your own.
Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow.
Next to having four seperate pages for the major rendering engines, this page shows a clearer overview of the implemented, prefixed properties, and their counterparts in other engines.
Trends in web technology - load times, download sizes, performance scores;
Interesting stats - popular scripts, image formats, errors, redirects;
Website performance - specific URL screenshots, waterfall charts, HTTP headers.
Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and geeks!
Смысл поста — подытожить методику верстки писем под сегодняшние реалии, при этом не забывая про ископаемые клиенты.
Reducing the number of HTTP requests is a must, sprites are cool, but a pain to maintain, so there come data URIs (for all browsers) and MHTML (IE6 and 7). I've talked about these things on this blog to a point where the blog comes up in top 10 results in search engines for queries like "mhtml" and "data url". Therefore I think it's my duty to clarify a point for the good of the mankind :)
Make items sticky as you scroll, to a point.
Web Platform Docs is a new community-driven site that aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation.
The goal of a reset stylesheet is to reduce browser inconsistencies in things like default line heights, margins and font sizes of headings, and so on. The general reasoning behind this was discussed in a May 2007 post, if you're interested. Reset styles quite often appear in CSS frameworks, and the original "meyerweb reset" found its way into Blueprint, among others.
CSS, PHP and JavaScript completions for Sublime Text 2.
BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
Expressive, dynamic, robust CSS
Character Entities Cheat Sheet for HTML, CSS (content) and Javascript.
Curving text with CSS3 & jQuery
Последнее время все чаще можно встретить сайты с необычным дизайном и функциональностью, увидев которые, можно залипнуть на некоторое время. Увидев такие, у меня рука непроизвольно тянется к f12, чтобы открыть firebug и посмотреть, как же реализован тот или иной компонент. Таким образом можно открыть для себя интересные техники и в будущем реализовать их на своих проектах. Некоторые из них стали доступны с приходом новых технологий, например таких, как CSS 3 — то, что раньше было реализовано на флеше, теперь можно воплотить с помощью строк кода в таблице стилей. Дизайнеры тоже не теряют времени, создавая новые тренды и все плотнее взаимодействуя с верстальщиками. В этой статье я хотел бы показать 15 сайтов, которые так или иначе удивили и порадовали меня. Возможно, кого-то они вдохновят на собственный шедевр.
Show the font of selected text in the context menu.