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Look At Me продолжает серию интервью с российскими арт-директорами, которые не только меняют современные СМИ, но и формируют визуальные привычки читателей, обучают коллег и пробуют задать мировые тенденции в рамках отдельно взятой страны. Новое интервью из серии — разговор с Алексеем Ивановским, арт-директором онлайн-издания W-O-S.
Цель текста в информационном стиле — донести информацию до читателя. Например: новости, инструкции, технические описания товаров. В информационных текстах нет лишних слов, эмоций, личного мнения. Они читаются легко и быстро. Информационный стиль подходит не всегда, но если вы освоите его все ваши тексты станут лучше.
Fifty milliseconds. That’s how quickly visitors can form strong, long-lasting impressions about your news or information website. But they aren’t sizing up the quality of your content or the sophistication of your code. They’re making nearly instantaneous, mostly subconscious judgments about how your work has been designed.
Those assessments can lead to very conscious — and consequential — conclusions about the merits of your page, product or platform. Bad graphic design can damage perceptions about your credibility. It can make your content harder to understand and render your work less appealing.
Visualization, analysis, interactive maps and real-time graphics from Huffington Post
We looked through the web to see what are the most recent examples of Interactive Infographics and this is a list of 10 Wonderful Examples of Interactive Infographics.
That’s why we have put together a selection of tools that we use the most and that we enjoy working with. We called it selection.datavisualization.ch. It includes libraries for plotting data on maps, frameworks for creating charts, graphs and diagrams and tools to simplify the handling of data. Even if you’re not into programming, you’ll find applications that can be used without writing one single line of code. We will keep this list as a living repository and add / remove things as technology develops. We hope this will help you find the best tool for your next job.
Antiphonal Geometry: harmony and proportion in responsive web design
Having worked as a web designer for a good ten years or more now, I don't envy someone at the beginning of their journey into the profession.
*”Best practices” is a loaded term when it comes to creating mobile web experiences. It’s a unique context with it’s own challenges and opportunities. While there’s no silver bullet, this site will help you ask the right questions and help solve problems so you can start creating future-friendly web experiences.
In an ideal world, every camera, screen, and printer would display color in the same way. Unfortunately, thats not how it works in practice.
If you want to write simple documents using a plain text editor but still want to add basic text formatting, you can use Markdown: John Gruber's formatting system, with which you use short and easy-to-remember codes to mark up your text. Lots of websites and blogs are already using Markdown, so you can enter plain text and still have it formatted the way you want.
With my Javascript markdownID), you can select existing text or import a Markdown file, and it will be converted into properly styled text for InDesign.
The script supports lots of the standard functions from the original Markdown, and so you can use the Markdown reference for the basic set of commands. Unfortunately, there are also some functions that InDesign cannot easily emulate.
"Эдиториум.ру" - сайт, созданный по материалам сборника "О редактировании и редакторах" Аркадия Эммануиловича Мильчина, который с 1944 года коллекционировал выдержки из статей, рассказов, фельетонов, пародий, писем и книг, где так или иначе затрагивается тема редакторской работы. Эта коллекция легла в основу обширной антологии, представляющей историю и природу редактирования в первоисточниках.
I made this same basic argument almost seven years ago, but it seems that many news websites still think it's a good idea to break up stories into multiple pages. Farhad Manjoo, over at Slate, has an article arguing why paginating long articles is a bad idea, whose only purpose is to goose page view numbers and ad views for websites -- and it does nothing to make the reading experience better. Somewhat ironically, he's writing this on Slate, which does paginate stories. At least Slate has a "single page" option, which is what I linked to above, though you can look at the idiotically broken up version if you'd like as well.
This handbook is designed to give Web developers a way to approach designing accessible Web pages. Instead of simply being a checklist, it will guide you through ways of thinking about Web design in logical divisions.
The perceived speed of your website relies heavily on the browser being able to paint to your user's screen. For this they must construct a "render tree" which consists of the DOM and the often forgotten CSSOM.
The critical path which the browser takes to gather this information is the only thing standing between your server and the user's screen. Using new research and real world examples, Patrick Hamann will cover a range of techniques – from the controversial to bleeding edge – the Guardian is using to make their CSS load as fast as possible, and ultimately keeping it off the critical path.
Чтобы создавать по-настоящему легкие сайты, не стоит заморачиваться на производительности, вместо этого, производительность должна рассматриваться как один из элементов дизайна.
When someone asks you for a web image that’s, say, two inches wide, they’re estimating how it would appear on their own monitor. Without changing the image’s pixel dimensions, that image would appear larger or smaller on different monitors—and would even look different on the same monitor at a different resolution setting.
It takes your markdown document and transforms it into the Shower slides. Almost all the things are transformed smoothly, however there could be some things you could configure, either in the YAML front matter or using some extra special formatting.
PRM.RU – это информационно-сервисный портал, предлагающий посетителям актуальные и значимые новости Перми, страны и мира и необходимые интернет-сервисы. Портал PRM.RU – это множество полезной и увлекательной информации и интернет возможностей.
Получив опыт работы дизайнером и арт-директором в лучших российских компаниях (Тематические Медиа, Афиша, Лукэтми и Dream Industries) Евгений Лучинин создает рабочую группу Genue. Мы доступны для новых и интересных проектов.