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Jeff Johnson provides you with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that user interface (UI) design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list or rules to follow.
Школа разработки интерфейсов (ШРИ) организована компанией Яндекс в 2012 году для студентов старших курсов и недавних выпускников вузов, желающих развиваться в области фронтенд-разработки веб-сервисов.
Обучение в Школе разработки интерфейсов включает в себя две части. Курс лекций, посвященных различным аспектам промышленной фронтенд-разработки, и более практическую часть, связанную непосредственно с разработкой. Тех, кто успешно пройдёт практику, мы с удовольствием пригласим на работу или стажировку в Яндекс.
На занятиях сотрудники Яндекса рассказывают об инструментах разработчика, о том, как лучше и эффективнее вести работу в команде, о приёмах, которые позволяют сэкономить время, немного о дизайне. Практику ведут ведущие фронтенд-разработчики Яндекса, разрабатывающие интерфейсы для Поиска, Почты, Карт, Маркета и других сервисов Яндекса.
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Grids do not exist in a vacuum. They exist in relation to the content. We never start with a grid. We start with an idea which is then translated into a form, a structure.
Contains a list of common problems of responsive layouts.
Hello Guardian Interactive team. I’m Daan and I want to do my internship with you.
This isn’t meant to be mean. Hopefully it’s helpful.
Believe me, I’m not self righteous about this. I’ve made a grand total of one website that works awesome on any device: desktop, tablets, phones, and whatnot. I’ve been making websites since 1996. You do the math.
The problem isn’t any one person. The problem is that we’ve all been doing this thing called Making a Website for a long time in a particular way. And now everything is changing. Sure some developers are resistant to learning new things, but most developers are interested, excited and willing. But this isn’t a problem that you can fix by just switching out which bit of code to use. It’s bigger than that. Content strategy, design, business all have to change. The fundamental way in which people work together to plan and coordinate the creation of a website has to change. It’s not easy to go into work one day and say to a big team, “Hey, uh, we need to restructure our design process and completely change what we are doing with our mobile web strategy. Uh, why? Yeah, just because.”
We need better reasons. Real examples. Proof that what we are all doing is not working anymore. That’s what this website is about. Examples convince. Seeing trends makes us smarter. The problem isn’t insurmountable if it’s known. So let’s get to know the problem.
Good product design incorporates a number of timeless principles for human-computer interaction. The principles described in this chapter are critical to the design of elegant, efficient, intuitive, and Aqua-compliant user interfaces. In fact, they drive the design of the OS X user interface.
Success in interaction design is largely a matter of following established patterns, so people can apply what they already know to new contexts. Using known and well-established interactive controls goes a long way in designing for easy interaction. via Pocket
Текстовый конструктор для писателей, исследователей и студентов
These are tales of friendship, love, revenge, and magic.
parallax scrolling for the masses
Роль правильно разработанных интерфейсов в успехе продукта всё возрастает — кажется, пользователи впервые начали столько задумываться о том, как именно они взаимодействуют с приложениями и сервисами. Последний пример — всеобщее восхищение новым приложением компании Facebook Paper, при использовании которого есть риск подхватить морскую болезнь, так там все динамично. По просьбе Look At Me дизайнер интерфейсов Дмитрий Чута разобрал несколько интерфейсных приёмов и объяснил их значение.
It’s a fine design. Typographers have long prized grid-centered layouts for their elegance and extensibility, and the new View site takes “the grid” to an extreme.
A website redesign is often an expensive, time-consuming, over-hyped exercise in media navel-gazing: an expression of institutional ego over users' needs. So I will confess a pre-emptive shrug at news of the newest New York Times online.
Conceived in collaboration with photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari and published by Deste, Toilet Paper contains no text but combines commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery to create a journal that is as appropriate for the coffee table as it is for the WC.