38 private links
Create, Resize, & Crop Thumbnail Previews in Vista
Джентльменский набор Web-разработчика («Д.н.w.р», читается «Денвер») — проект Дмитрия Котерова, набор дистрибутивов (Apache, PHP, MySQL, Perl и т.д.) и программная оболочка, используемые Web-разработчиками для разработки сайтов на «домашней» (локальной) Windows-машине без необходимости выхода в Интернет. Главная особенность Денвера — удобство при удаленной работе сразу над несколькими независимыми проектами и возможность размещения на Flash-накопителе.
As all of us are talking about the new coming Windows Vista, I decided to dedicate my first post to guide you all on how to setup IIS 7 along with MySQL and PHP 5. Before entering the venture myself, I searched the internet for tutorials on how about to do that, however, the closest i got was to install IIS 7, PHP and MySQL, however, everywhere i looked the PHP didn't work with MySQL.
A Heaven of Customization Stuff Like Wallpapers, Icons, Themes, Brushes, Frames, Action, and Tutorials.
In Windows Vista you might be annoyed by having to resize and move windows since they keep forgetting the size and location.
Here is the tip. Hold down the CTRL key and close the window. Next time you open Explorer (Computer) it will remember the size and location. The same works for other windows like Control Panel, User Accounts, Help and Support and many more.
One of the long-awaited features in Windows Vista was the ability to use symbolic links, the way you can in linux. Sadly, they don't work quite as well as they could, but it's a big upgrade from prior versions, and has solved a number of problems for me already.
VGEE allows you to add your own information and box-art into the Games Explorer of Windows Vista. You can edit or delete existing games as well add new games.
Вам сказали, что встроенная видеокарта годится только для офисных приложений и работы с графикой? Так знайте, вас жестоко обманули. В этом блоге я собираюсь рассмотреть игровые возможности набравшей в последнее время популярность встроенной видеокарте Intel GMA x3100, а так же буду делиться соображениями, как можно улучшить производительность данного графического процессора.
- Combine Statusbar + Findbar + Download-Statusbar in one line!
- Gives the Statusbar the Nav-Buttons style (Vista).
- Gives the Findbar the Nav-Buttons style (Vista).
- Gives the Download-Statusbar the Nav-Buttons style (Vista).
- Supports a lot of extensions.
- Transforms "GlaZoom", "YASS", "Clear-Fields", "Find in Numbers".
- Create a Dynamic Icon that changes aspect based on state and when hovering different type of links (*).
- Highly customizable.
- Changeable background colors.
- Integrates with the other Nav-Style styles.
Watches the cache and gives you an idea of how well it is working
A small application that monitors readyBoost, peaks, cache size, graph, read and write speed.
The problem: Everytime I close the lid on the machine the laptop reboots.
I've found a way to disable the Thumbnail Cache in Vista, but still have the ability to view Thumbnails in Windows Explorer. This effectively gives you the same capability as in XP.
Did you buy a Vista laptop from abroad and want it to talk to you in your mother language?
Try Vistalizator - this tool allows you to change display language in Vista editions other than (officially supported) Ultimate, like Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium and Business.
Vistalizator overrides the limit of one language on non-Ultimate Vista editions.
Vista iconWindows Vista introduces the Preview pane in Explorer, which shows the contents of the currently chosen file. You can also play multimedia files from the Preview pane, without opening Windows Media Player. This article explains how to use the PreviewConfig utility to register a custom file type for the Preview pane in Windows Vista Explorer.
В проводнике Windows Vista произошло множество улучшений по сравнению с Windows XP. Однако некоторые болячки предыдущей операционной системы перекочевали в Vista, как и прежде доставляя массу неудобств пользователям. В частности одной из наиболее раздражающих проблем является неспособность ОС отображать вид папок таким, каким хотят его видеть пользователи. Это мешает не только тем, кто пользуется проводником в качестве файлового менеджера - ведь окнами Открыть и Сохранить как пользуются все. В первую очередь речь о "забывчивости" Vista, теряющей пользовательские настройки вида. К этому примешивается и не всегда верное определение шаблона папки в зависимости от находящихся в ней файлов, что является нововведением в Vista. О том, как настроить вид папок и избежать неудобств при работе с ними, пойдет речь ниже.
This guide is intended for use on Dell systems which contain Dell MediaDirect and the Vista Operating system. It has been put together through a consumer need to reformat Dell systems as simply as possible and to remove the vast amount of bloatware contained on newly received Dell laptops. Unfamiliar to most, newly received laptops, not only contain an unnecessary amount of useless programs but also, contain unneeded alternate language files as well as registry entries created to serve the benefit of Dell and not necessarily the user. This 'bloatware' will, not only serve to slow your system a great deal, but also take up needed and valuable space.
The following guide is a compilation of the absolute best tips and tweaks found on the net as contributed through NBR members. These tips tweaks are presented to enhance the Vista user experience and have been tried and tested by several, each tweak proven very effective if the instructions are followed as described. Although these have been tested, their is no guarantee as to their effectiveness on any one system as individual hardware, software and manufacturer limitations must be considered.
I've received a number of requests for an article on how to share a folder. I know for many of you this is a very simple operation, but I finally realized there's a reason for the confusion users are having. Windows Vista includes a "Share" button on the explorer toolbar, but it doesn't work the way people used to XP/Win2k expect it to. Instead it pops up a wizard to make things "easier".