38 private links
Bit.dev and Storybook are two quite different tools. At first glance, it might seem that both provide a visual showcase for your UI components, and can be used to visually document and organize UI components. That is true, but that’s only a small part of what each of these tools can provide.
Design systems streamline development, communication, and consistency – but often rely on dedicated teams and extended budgets. We wanted a tool that helps create and maintain living style guides & pattern libraries in an agile process, and on a budget. Herman helps you keep your development process simple – and your UX consistent – as you iterate on patterns and scale over time.
Robust design systems require meaningful, readable, reusable code. These Sass utilities are designed to help define and manage your design tokens (colors, fonts, sizes, etc.) in a format that can be understood by both humans and parsers – opening the door for automation, while improving consistency and readability. These tools also integrate with Herman, our automated living pattern-library generator built on SassDoc.
When design systems are the source of truth and subscribers have easy access to code, it's important that code is well-tested. Lindsey shares how we unit test our Sass and how you can too.
certainlyakey starred javan/details-element-polyfill
certainlyakey starred ftlabs/ftellipsis
Scales up (or down) text so it fits perfectly to its parent container.
Quill is a modern rich text editor built for compatibility and extensibility. It was created by Jason Chen and Byron Milligan and actively maintained by Slab.
- Completely standalone
- Handles multiple types of form controls
- Plays well with existing HTML/CSS
- No JS knowledge required
- Works in all modern browsers
- Restrict form controls by a selector
- Automatically accounts for newly added controls
- Tiny footprint
Polyfill for the HTML dialog element
The missing documentation tool for your Angular application
Smart data table library with sorting, filtering, pagination & add/edit/delete functions.
A set of directives to simplify your workflow with BEM-markup in Angular applications.
Target elements if they are focused or contain a focused element with a PostCSS plugin and Javascript script
Sass variable loader for webpack
Polyfill for CSS position: sticky
Angular file uploader is an Angular 2/4/5/6 file uploader module with Real-Time Progress Bar, Angular Universal Compatibility and multiple themes which includes Drag and Drop and much more
certainlyakey starred jannicz/ng-svg-icon-sprite
certainlyakey starred lancedikson/bowser
A ponyfill that provides client-side support for CSS custom properties (aka "CSS variables") in legacy browsers