5168 shaares
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38 private links
31 results
Function argument validation for humans
🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
Polyfill for native IntersectionObserver API
Automatically adds datepickers to input[type=date] on IE, Firefox, and OS X Safari.
Stylelint rule for setting minimum and maximum constraint value for z-index.
certainlyakey starred ZeeCoder/container-query
💈 Shave is a 0 dep JS plugin that truncates text to fit within an element based on a set max-height ✁
A lightweight collection of essential UI components written with Vue and inspired by Material Design
JavaScript polyfill for client-side hyphenation
SassCast has a strict mode in which it will throw errors when failing to cast values (most notably to colors and numbers).