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A user research platform that helps you and your team make decisions with confidence.
Choose your technology. Use the API to fetch content. Empower your content team.
You know those obscure menu buttons on apps and websites that reveal even more menu options? They usually have an ellipsis “…” or an arrow ▼ icon on them and sometimes they’ll even have a More label. Or, better yet, a More with a ▼! These are called overflow menus. via Pocket
Этот канал в «Медиуме» начался два года назад с текста про нашу редакционную систему «Монитор» — с тех пор ни один другой пост не обошел его по популярности. Но за это время «Монитор» сильно изменился: из двух отчетных лет мы целый год потратили на полную переделку системы.
Information architecture is fundamentally about organizing information and providing structure in a way that makes sense.
Different site structure types ("IA models")
When users look for information, they have a goal and are on a mission. Even before you started to read this article, chances are you did because you either had the implicit goal of checking what’s new on Smashing Magazine, or had the explicit goal of finding information about “Navigation Design”.
How do we make navigation as simple and predictable as possible? As explained in part 1311 of this series, the first two steps are to structure content in a way that naturally narrows the navigation options, and to explain those options in a way that minimizes the cognitive load on users. via Pocket
If you’re working on any kind of redesign project involving a large amount of content, such as that of a website, intranet or mobile site, one of the first tasks you’ll need to perform is a content audit.
I say need, not want—a content audit isn’t something you’re necessarily going to want to tackle. It’s one of those un-sexy, tedious jobs that hardly anyone talks about. But you can’t undertake a redesign of a content-heavy site without it.
Это классика борьбы маркетинга и интерфейса. Фраза представляет весь сайт. И она написана была так, что в голове ничего не отложится. Плюс на сайте она находится глубоко под формой поиска, где перечисляются все варианты. Оба этих довода заставили меня дать совет писать всё-таки «для поиска отелей». Принцип такой: понятная, но неполная информация лучше полностью непонятной и полной.
In this article we discuss the importance of navigation design patterns using examples from some of the hottest websites and web apps.
Navigation, as crucial as it is to the user experience, is merely a means to an end — the end being to consume content. This is why users have very contrasting expectations about content and navigation. via Pocket
“Observe how your users approach information, consider what it means, and design to allow them to achieve what they need.” I discovered the concepts in this article while preparing material for an introductory information architecture workshop. via Pocket
A look at navigation and global menus in responsive website design. Presented at the Responsive Day Out conference, 1st March, Brighton, UK.