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JavaScript code to process elements on page load on a Drupal 7 site uses behaviours.
certainlyakey starred CSSSR/csssr-project-template
A configuration file format for humans. Relaxed syntax, fewer mistakes, more comments
A proof-of-concept event-based CSS element dimension query with valid CSS selector syntax.
Swiper - is the free and most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior. It is intended to be used in mobile websites, mobile web apps, and mobile native/hybrid apps. Designed mostly for iOS, but also works great on latest Android, Windows Phone 8 and modern desktop browsers.
JavaScript has a strange naming history.
One big new method for making your website fast is called
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), a project spearheaded by Google. Mobile data is unlike our home WiFi connections. It’s slow. AMP aims to help fix that, in a rigidly prescribed way, by ridding sites of their most inefficient parts.
AMP has very rigid rules for the source in order to get the big speed gains it’s going for.
Next to coming up with project names, managing tables in a responsive layout is one of the trickiest problems in web development. Semantically structured tables are notoriously difficult to style as anything other than… well… a table. On the other hand, cobbling together a pile of divs and spans into a table-like shape means giving up the semantic meaning, accessibility, and navigability of real table elements to represent tabular data, or it means jumping through hoops to recreate those features. When it comes down to it, the semantic benefits of real table elements make them our first and best choice.
A pure CSS Masonry with flexbox+CSS columns (demo here https://jsbin.com/loronibali/2/edit?css,output).
When you first get started with Angular, you’ll naturally find yourself flooding your controllers and scopes with unnecessary logic. It’s important to realize early on that your controller should be very thin; meaning, most of the business logic and persistent data in your application should be taken care of or stored in a service. I see a few questions a day on Stack Overflow regarding someone trying to have persistent data in his or her controller. That’s just not the purpose of a controller. For memory purposes, controllers are instantiated only when they are needed and discarded when they are not. Because of this, every time you switch a route or reload a page, Angular cleans up the current controller. Services however provide a means for keeping data around for the lifetime of an application while they also can be used across different controllers in a consistent manner.
Let's learn Gulp
This is Part One of a series that is going to deconstruct the lessons I learned from building AngularJS Sticky Notes. This is going to be different from other posts that I have done in that we will be starting with a finished product and working backwards. I will do my best to approach it in a way that can be translated to how applications are really written. From nothing, through many, many iterations and edits.
es5-shim.js and es5-shim.min.js monkey-patch a JavaScript context to contain all EcmaScript 5 methods that can be faithfully emulated with a legacy JavaScript engine.
A mostly reasonable approach to JavaScript
This feature allows you to script the animation of your SVG. To do this, the custom values will be set directly in the DOM of the SVG.
Here is an example using scenario-sync.
I would recommend you look at the source code and the readme file for more information.
Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces
Objects in real life don’t just start and stop instantly, and almost never move at a constant speed. When we open a drawer, we first move it quickly, and slow it down as it comes out. Drop something on the floor, and it will first accelerate downwards, and then bounce back up after hitting the floor.
I like using diagrams as a way of showing information flow or browser behaviour, but large diagrams can be daunting at first glance. When I gave talks about the Application Cache and rendering performance I started with a blank screen and made the diagrams appear to draw themselves bit by bit as I described the process. Here's how it's done:
the last carousel you'll ever need