38 private links
certainlyakey starred kaelig/hidpi
certainlyakey starred gielcobben/Caption
certainlyakey starred MINDKomm/timmy
certainlyakey starred fahrenheit-marketing/gravityforms
certainlyakey starred nystudio107/richvariables
certainlyakey starred motdotla/dotenv
Think of this plugin as an alternative to adding code snippets to the functions.php, or style.css file in your child theme. Why? It keeps all of your changes in one location, independent of the other components that make up your web site. That means you can safely perform theme / plugin updates without the worry of losing your modifications as well as easily deactivating your customisations to check for conflicts.
certainlyakey starred yikesinc/yikes-inc-simple-taxonomy-ordering
certainlyakey starred mrwweb/post-type-archive-descriptions
certainlyakey starred Hube2/acf-post2post
certainlyakey starred timber/starter-theme
certainlyakey starred PhilippBaschke/acf-pro-installer
certainlyakey starred fxbenard/Blank-WordPress-Pot
certainlyakey starred studio24/wordpress-multi-env-config
certainlyakey starred nystudio107/disqus
certainlyakey starred farmstudio/slugcharmap
certainlyakey starred nclud/wp-timber-cli
certainlyakey starred ryanwelcher/limit-widgets
certainlyakey starred roikles/Wordpress-Bem-Menu
certainlyakey starred smcyr/Craft-FocusPoint