38 private links
Сегодня мы начнем изучать основы PHP. Наша цель - научиться понимать его синтаксис, чтобы в дальнейшем без особого труда исправлять любые мод
added optimized skeleton apache conf (production) + tweaked project generate task to replace more tokens
CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser.
This tutorial is intended for the PHP programmer interested in using Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (or PCRE for short, used also in EmEditor) to match or replace values within its target.
This topic reviews the syntax examples that appear throughout the XPath Reference. All are based on the Sample XML File for XPath Syntax (inventory.xml). For an example of using an XPath expression in a test file, see Example of Unions ( | ), at the botto
Глава начинается с подробного описания выборки и обновления данных в MySQL — вероятно, самой популярной СУБД, используемой в PHP.
The custom image-resize script (TimThumb) created for Mimbo Pro is now available as an open-source project! It’s already being used by a handful of other theme designers and I look forward to seeing what other folks do with it.
Well, I finally got around to cleaning up the code in my pop-up JPEG image editor this weekend. The editor was originally integrated into a content management system I built for a client two years back, but the new code structure ought to make dropping it
Is there already a pre-built function or class in PHP that will parse HTML code generated by FCKEditor and fix bugs? For example, remove stupid formatting (e.g.
This site serves as designer's public blog where anyone can share ideas, design techniques & tutorials.
You are searching a unbloated Rich Text Editor for jQuery? I have something that will certainly fit your needs. The file jquery.rte.js is only 7ko uncompressed, is compatible with major browsers (IE6, Firefox 2, Opera 9, Safari 3.03) and degrade gracefull
Oсновные требования к скрипту:
— бесплатность — варез нам не нужен;
— удобный, понятный код — тут все средства хороши — ООП, MVC, API, коммента
This is just a few pages to help a few people do the odd thing or two...
П.: Сейчас я тебе объясню принцип объектно-ориентированного программирования
Б.: Ну даю… ой… хи-хи, то есть дааавате, объясняйте.
П.: Ну так