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Recently I discovered Contact Form 7 (CF7) by Takayuki Miyoshi. A plugin to create forms on a WordPress website. I was looking for an accessible alternative for Gravity Forms, and discovered that Contact Form 7 does an excellent job!
Up to now I used Gravity Forms, which is a great plugin. But it has some accessibility issues and has W3C validation errors for the HTML and CSS. Gravity Forms also doesn’t have an accessible backend.
Contact Form 7 recently (version 3.6) added accessible WAI-ARIA to the forms, e.g. for error messages and required fields. Also the plugin gives you complete controle over the HTML output of the form.
A second advantage of Contact Form 7 is that the backend is fully accessible, so a visually impaired content manager can build her own forms.
The only drawback is that the default form, provided by the plugin needs to be changed to make the form fully accessible, but that’s easily done, unlike with Gravity Forms.
A reference guide for which Gravity Forms hooks are called and in what order for several typical scenarios. Provides additional information for those seeking a deeper understanding into how Gravity Forms actually works.
Think of this plugin as an alternative to adding code snippets to the functions.php, or style.css file in your child theme. Why? It keeps all of your changes in one location, independent of the other components that make up your web site. That means you can safely perform theme / plugin updates without the worry of losing your modifications as well as easily deactivating your customisations to check for conflicts.
Put an URL and check!
certainlyakey starred yikesinc/yikes-inc-simple-taxonomy-ordering
WordPress 4.4 will add native responsive image support by including srcset and sizes attributes to the image markup it generates.
certainlyakey starred mrwweb/post-type-archive-descriptions
certainlyakey starred Hube2/acf-post2post
Sometimes it’s handy to hide pages in the WordPress admin from certain users. For example, when using WordPress as a CMS, where you define a static front page and a Posts page for all the posts, you might not want users trying to edit the Posts page since their edits won’t show up on the site anyway. A common scenario I see is users trying to edit the dummy “News” page assigned as the Posts page, or trying to change the front page of the site by editing the dummy “Home” page.
Here is a quick tip to remove the piece of code added by WordPress 4.2 in the header of your pages about emoji icons.
certainlyakey starred timber/starter-theme
certainlyakey starred PhilippBaschke/acf-pro-installer
This tutorial will cover the concept and code for creating a bidirectional relationship between posts using only the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
This tutorial uses a Relationship field to select posts, however a Post Object field with multiple selections enabled would work just the same as both field types save data as an array of post ID’s.
certainlyakey starred fxbenard/Blank-WordPress-Pot
A next-generation* WordPress theme built with the Rest API and Angular
the Wordpress password hasher implements the Portable PHP password hashing framework, which is used in content management systems like Wordpress and Drupal. Here you can convert a password to the required hashsum, which can be used to set a new password directly in the database.
certainlyakey starred studio24/wordpress-multi-env-config
ACF PRO should be updated when you run composer update now.
Please let me know if you have any problems when you use this procedure. Please provide the content of your composer.json file to make debugging easier.
certainlyakey starred nclud/wp-timber-cli
Create responsive, mobile first WordPress websites using the Timber library and Advanced Custom Fields.