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I have
There’s a simpler workaround: Create a character style with an ‘underline’ (I don’t know how this option actually is called in English, but I hope you get the point), adjust its stroke width (full line-height or what you want), and its position (shift it upwards). Additionally, you then can assign a shortcut for this character style, and there you go.
Very small utility to convert TTF files to EOT.
EOT is used by Internet Explorer to support css @font-face declarations.
Instead of creating images or using flash just to show your site's graphic text in the font you want, you can use typeface.js and write in plain HTML and CSS, just as if your visitors had the font installed locally. This is a work in progress, but functional enough at least to render the the graphic text on this site. Here's what it takes to get going: load the typeface.js library and some typeface.js fonts, then proceed like normal.
При разработке одного проекта необходимо было определять откуда к нам пришел пользователь, точнее из какой страны, города и географические координаты: широта и долгота, а кроме того почтовый индекс.
Сайт представлял из себя каталог SPA -салонов, в котором владельцы отмечали на карте их расположение, а пользователь, зайдя на сайт, видел на карте ближайшие салоны.
Для работы нам потребуется GeoIP. Скачиваем бинарный файл с данными и вот эту вот php’ешную API.
Locate multiple addresses internationally - North America & Europe - calculate distances - make your own mashup map - instantly.
Take any kind of street address list, for example copied from Excel, and geocode the addresses to get latitude and longitude coordinates using the tool below. The data can then be mapped in your browser, downloaded into Google Earth, saved to a web page, or transferred back into your spreadsheet. You can also use this tool to calculate distances to multiple addresses from a single point, or get quick driving directions to multiple destinations. Mapping multiple locations with your own custom data takes seconds, just follow the 6 steps below to plot your own data on a fully interactive multi-point map. It's fast, easy, and - free to use!
Batch Geocoding with the Google Maps API.
I thought I'd share this code that activates the window under the mouse whenever there is scroll wheel movement.
There are litterally an unlimitted number of ways to toggle an element’s display with JavaScript. Some, more useful than others. Dating back to the late nineties, toggling is perhaps the oldest trick in the book within JavaScript development. However, to this day, it still proves itself useful as hiding/showing elements can improve user interaction (when done tastefully).
The quality and functionality of maps on the internet is improving all the time, soon a website without a map will look out of place. Maps range from the most simple to very complex applications.
The links provided on this page should give you an idea of what the Google Maps API is all about, albeit only from the services that Google provide.
Spotted on Daniel Glazman’s weblog, a good use of using the CSS :target selector to highlight the active target (example). I knocked-up a simple demonstration.
Cascading Style Sheets were introduced 13 years ago, and the widely adopted CSS 2.1 standard has existed for 11 years now. When we look at websites that were created 11 years ago, it’s clear that we are a thousand miles away from that era. It is quite remarkable how much Web development has evolved over the years, in a way we would never have imagined then.
Is 2009 going to be the year of the JavaScript client-side include? After Mark Nottingham’s HInclude and the equally cool purple-include, I thought it was time to do something new.
How about
* includes in IE without ActiveX controls
* declarative inclusion of remote content
* pre- and post-inclusion callbacks to transform content
* all this in less than 1 KB of JavaScript?
inc does this.
Or: Why do hover animations continue after I stop hovering?
Ниже приведен пример реализации такого элемента пользовательского интерфейса как slider или, в простонародии, ползунок с помощью JavaScript. Задача скрипта такова, чтобы можно было размещать на странице произвольное количество slider'ов и контролировать (получать/задавать) их состояние, а также была возможность изменять внешний вид элементов. Ну и конечно же не забываем про кроссбраузерность.
Whenever one builds a website, one issue is always guaranteed time consuming: highlighting the current page or section in the website with a different style.
Adobe Fireworks is getting popular than ever, many web designers find a lot of fun to experiment different techniques and learn how to work with various aspects of Adobe Fireworks to spice up boring pictures and make them into works of arts. So, if you’re interested in learning some new skills, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced user, these Adobe Fireworks tutorials are for you.
Web Development and Design Information
Cufón aims to become a worthy alternative to sIFR, which despite its merits still remains painfully tricky to set up and use