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As web technologies progress, websites and web applications are becoming more responsive, providing us with more ways and techniques to interact with the users. Form, more than ever, has been superseded by function.
The following websites deal with interface design, user experience, user-centered design, usability, and everything in between – all with the goal of enhancing the user’s interface.
This work in constant progress is some collected wisdom, stuff I've learned on the topic of .htaccess hacking, commands I've used successfully in the past, on a variety of server setups, and in most cases still do. You may have to tweak the examples some to get the desired result, though, and a reliable test server is a powerful ally, preferably one with a very similar setup to your "live" server. Okay, to begin...
I routinely run multiple screen sessions on my Linux desktops and servers.
A problem with this is that when I grep through my command history, I find I issued a command in a different session, and have to detach and re-attach to get that history item.
Is it possible to 'force' the differently-updated histories from multiple sessions to all go to a central history?
Pomodoro is a task management application based on The Pomodoro Technique ideology by Francesco Cirillo. The idea of the application is to help users organize their daily tasks and easily keep track work progress. The Pomodoro application has been written in C++/Qt and has been designed particularly for Maemo devices (e.g. Nokia N900).
It's a camera application for the N900 that displays a live HDR viewfinder (by alternating between two exposure times and averaging the results). It meters the scene, decides how many photos to take in the HDR bracket and at what exposures, and then composites the photos for you as soon as they are captured.
In this article, I show you the basics for setting up headers and footers in Word documents and I give you a few tricks to handle those more complex situations.
Разумеется, есть более серьезные примеры модульности в жизни. Со времен древней Греции к нам пришло выражение «Человек есть мера всего». Умные греки, когда строили свои чудеса света меряли двери плечами, а высоту помещения ростом человека.
Такие единицы измерения, как косая сажень, пядь, фут и т. п. также произошли исходя из физических характеристик человека.
Сам человек есть модульная система. Если за модуль взять голову, то рост человека обыкновенного можно выстроить 7 головами. Причем на расстояниях, кратных такому модулю, мы можем определять ключевые точки построении человека.
Метрическая система, которую мы используем, тоже является модульной. Один метр состоит из ста модулей «сантиметр», который тоже в свою очередь можно расчленить на более мелкие модули.
Таким образом, модуль — это единица измерения, установленная для придания соразмерности, а сетка — система пропорций.
No this is not about using position: fixed by default. Take a look at this page as example, scroll down, and see the top-left. Notice the issue metadata stick on top? As far as I know there is no pure CSS for this task, it uses onscroll to do the job.
Как получить качественное фото? С чего начать новичку в искусстве фотографии? Как обработать готовый снимок? Мы постараемся дать ответы на эти и многие другие вопросы.
Читайте статьи на akvis.com — материалы о графике, фотографии, теории цвета и рисунка, цифровой фототехнике. Здесь можно найти как теоретические статьи, так и практические советы от специалистов в области обработки изображений.
Design is a fluid and shifting process in which layers are constantly modified and tweaked. As complexity builds, so does the need for preserving data in a flexible way. Learning non-destructive editing techniques helps you produce documents that bend along with your creativity. Photoshop Masks are the cornerstone of this process. Not only do they preserve important pixel data, but they allow for the creation of flexible interface elements as well. In this article, we’ll explore the technical aspects and creative advantages of incorporating masks into your workflow.
Title-img in Unveiling Photoshop Masks
Photoshop offers five methods of masking: Pixel Masks, Vector Masks, Quick Masks, Clipping Masks and Clipping Paths, all of which define pixel opacities without affecting the original data. Each of them has its own pros and cons, and knowing which method to use is extremely important for creating clean, flexible and properly masked layers.
If you design websites you may have heard of interesting tools called CSS pre-processors. A couple of great ones are LESS and SASS. I helped Alexis, the creator of LESS with the design of the language and built the public site.
PrivateDaddy is the unobtrusive, graceful degradation solution for protecting email addresses
Hiding email addresses from spammers has a long history. There are some obvious golden goals, like making the process seamless to your visitors, and be practicable to implement. The one that often gets left out is accessibility, but in some areas this is actually a legal requirement.
If you use pretty much any browser except IE 6 (more on that later) when you visit this site, you've probably noticed that the dark-grey sidebar scrolls with you just until the banner and menu are off the page, and then locks itself into position or "sticks". When you scroll back to the top, if the menu and/or banner need to be seen again, the sidebar politely resumes its normal scrolling duties. Go ahead, try it now, I'll wait. Fun isn't it? I've had a number of people comment on that, so I thought I would outline how I accomplished it.
All CAPTCHA systems are doomed to fail. Unfortunately, this has not prevented eager developers using CAPTCHAs in even the most basic web to email forms.
No one likes CAPTCHAs. They are not fun. They can not be used by everyone, such as those with impaired vision or without graphics enabled. They slow down the sign-up process and, ultimately, they will lead to fewer real registrations.
The worst problem with CAPTCHAs is that they put the onus on the user. Users do not care if you are receiving thousands of spam messages or bogus accounts: that’s your problem. CAPTCHAs should be the last barrier of defence – not the first.
The vast majority of hacking attempts and bots can be prevented without resorting to CAPTCHAs. If you make it moderately difficult, spammers will simply move on to the next easier target. Here are some basic techniques that will stop the majority of spoofing attempts.
Harmony is a new drawing tool, a HTML5/Canvas experiment with great potential. It provides some unique brush styles, and can produce some great-looking charcoal pencil style sketches, among other things. Better to try it out than explain it in words.
Так как IE6 не поддерживает значение fixed свойства position, обычно для эмуляции данного эффекта используют position:absolute и CSS expression. Однако в результате при скроллинге или изменении размеров окна браузера возникали небольшие подёргивания фиксированного блока.
Методы querySelector() и querySelectorAll() позволяют принимают в качестве аргументов CSS-селектор и возвращают найденные элементы в виде элементов DOM. Например: document.querySelector('#content img:nth-of-type(1)');
Vertical centering with CSS isn’t an easy thing to do. There are many different ways that may not work in some browsers. Let’s review 5 different ways to vertically centering objects, as well as the pros and cons of each method. (You can see my test page briefly explaining all of them.)