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In this post, I’d like to take you through the Sublime build system and share build scripts for working with many of the languages and tools we use today.
Search through HTML files for elements that match a CSS selector.
One common problem when developing html templates, is that you have to duplicate the same code a lot: every page needs the same header and footer, and this goes against the DRY principle. In a WordPress theme, you would simply use a PHP include, but what if you can’t use PHP? Some buyers use ASP, Rails, or other server-side languages, and will not be able to parse PHP on their server.
The option of using pure HTML (sometimes with a dab of CSS) for form validation was until recently unthinkable. Sure there have been all kinds of whacky JavaScript plug-ins over the years aimed at achieving something similar, but never a single standard that we could work towards.
Browser support for the different features of HTML5 forms is quite varied. Let's explore.
Powered by html2jade
jquery.autoellipsis is a jQuery plugin for automatically applying ellipsis on selected elements. This plugin optimally uses the available space, unlike methods like character counting.
The table below shows the 107 elements currently in the
HTML5 working draft. You can also view how HTML5 elements are used on any site.
Jade is a high performance template compiler heavily influenced by Haml and implemented for PHP 5.3.
This interactive documentation illustrates the most important features of the Jade templating language. You can play around with the examples and watch the html output in real time.
Slim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.
QLMarkdown is a simple QuickLook generator for Markdown files. It renders a preview of the selected Markdown file using Discount -- a C implementation of John Gruber's Markdown.pl script.
DetectSyntax is a plugin for Sublime Text 2 that allows you to detect the syntax of files that might not otherwise be detected properly. For example, files with the .rb extension are usually Ruby files, but when they are found in a Rails project, they could be RSpec spec files, Cucumber step files, Ruby on Rails files (controllers, models, etc), or just plain Ruby files. This is actually the problem I was trying to solve when I started working on this plugin.
The plugin is aimed at making editing Markdown in Sublime Text 2 easier and more powerful. Ideally, I hope we can bring several amazing features of Org-mode of Emacs into Sublime Text 2.
This is a Sublime Text plugin for building markdown into html and open it in browser.
Emmet (previously known as Zen Coding) is a web-developer’s toolkit that can greatly improve your HTML & CSS workflow.
Trends in web technology - load times, download sizes, performance scores;
Interesting stats - popular scripts, image formats, errors, redirects;
Website performance - specific URL screenshots, waterfall charts, HTTP headers.
Chained is simple jQuery plugin for chained selects. You can choose from two different versions. Use jquery.chained.js if you do not want to make external queries for setting content of child selects. This version uses classnames of select options to decide content. As a bonus it is usable even with JavaScript disabled. However with JavaScript disabled there is one catch, all options will be shown to user.
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