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Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) is emerging as the preferred graphic format to use on the web today. Are you abandoning the icon font or replacing old pg, gif and png graphics for the well-supported SVG, too? Let’s see how this will impact users of assistive technology (AT) and what is needed in order to ensure a great user experience for everyone.
Sometimes it’s handy to hide pages in the WordPress admin from certain users. For example, when using WordPress as a CMS, where you define a static front page and a Posts page for all the posts, you might not want users trying to edit the Posts page since their edits won’t show up on the site anyway. A common scenario I see is users trying to edit the dummy “News” page assigned as the Posts page, or trying to change the front page of the site by editing the dummy “Home” page.
Here is a quick tip to remove the piece of code added by WordPress 4.2 in the header of your pages about emoji icons.
This tutorial will cover the concept and code for creating a bidirectional relationship between posts using only the Advanced Custom Fields plugin.
This tutorial uses a Relationship field to select posts, however a Post Object field with multiple selections enabled would work just the same as both field types save data as an array of post ID’s.
the Wordpress password hasher implements the Portable PHP password hashing framework, which is used in content management systems like Wordpress and Drupal. Here you can convert a password to the required hashsum, which can be used to set a new password directly in the database.
Actually, you might be in luck! If you want to style a tab according to the domain, the TAB element has an attribute called IMAGE which is the URL for the Favicon it displays. If the website has a favicon then you can do this:
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);
tab[image*="example.com"] {background:red !important;}
certainlyakey starred studio24/wordpress-multi-env-config
For the purpose of validating the technical concepts behind distributed content service Teletext.io, here is a series of experiments to see what gets indexed and what doesn't if javascript and Google Tag Manager are used to inject content and JSON-LD in your page.
ACF PRO should be updated when you run composer update now.
Please let me know if you have any problems when you use this procedure. Please provide the content of your composer.json file to make debugging easier.
certainlyakey starred ryanwelcher/limit-widgets
My colleague, Matt King, encounters a lot of friction when using web UIs. Matt uses a screen reader to access the web. A screen reader expresses through speech and sound the text and controls of an interface. He and I work together on the accessibility team at Facebook. Whenever we are collaborating together, we inevitably find little gotchas. Over a few sessions, Matt mentioned that the string of text “Show more reactions” was being smushed together and read as “Showmorereactions”.
Yesterday, I upgraded three sites running SMF (Simple Machines Forum) software to v2.0RC5, upgrading them from v2.0RC4. Some of these sites are more than just a simple implementation of the base software. All of them have some modifications added, one (Melinda’s Backups forum) has a considerable degree of modification, and unlike WordPress, where plugins are pretty much stand alone, relying on well defined hooks in the software to get into the path, modifications in SMF tend to be intrusive. Despite all the modifications, I upgraded all the sites over just a few hours.
I believe that is because of the approach I have taken to managing the configurations in Git. In this post I want to explain how I do it.
Three years ago, my colleagues and I in O’Reilly Media’s Production department made the decision to rearchitect our print-publishing software toolchain to support typesetting print books in HTML and CSS. Doing print layout with web technology was a fairly radical notion at the time (and still is today!), especially in traditional publishing-industry circles where commercial desktop-publishing software continues to hold sway. But we were convinced that aligning our publishing tech with the web stack would pay dividends. Short-term, we knew it would enable us to simultaneously produce print and digital media more efficiently. And long-term, we felt that placing our bets on HTML+CSS was the best way to future-proof our workflows as electronic publishing, both online and offline, continued to evolve.
Transitioning to HTML as our canonical content source format immediately allowed us to realize many benefits, including Web-based authoring and a digital-first approach to next-gen ebook development. Building print templates in CSS also proved to be surprisingly straightforward, once we got up to speed on Paged Media, and the particular dialect of it spoken by our PDF formatter software.
When I’m done staring with fear-induced catalepsy at the vast array of complex and overlapping app building, testing, integration and deployment tools that are quickly amassing around me, I like to take a little break and try to solve a simple problem. The “current page” link is just such a problem.
Despite web pages reaching 2MB performance remains a hot topic. The slicker your application, the better the user experience and the higher the conversion rate!
One question that came up more and more in recent months is how to create an accessible modal dialog with WAI-ARIA. So without further ado, here’s my take on the subject!
This polyfill makes it possible to use attr() like it is defined in the spec.
Animating elements in your mobile applications is easy. Animating elements in your mobile applications properly may be easy, too… if you follow our tips here.
Pure CSS; The content page won't skid to top with overlay on; Works on Mobile Safari