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Sass maps give you clearer, more flexible variables — learn how to make a map-powered stylesheet with some basic examples.
A few months ago I started using Alpha, Beta, Gamma naming convention for variables or elements. It began as a temporary thing, but it stuck eventually, and now I am using it all the time.
No matter how many times I went through the process, there was always small touches that I missed when wrapping up my work. A link here, a back button there - there was always that minor but meaningful piece I would miss.
So this website is an attempt at listing out all the minimum requirements a page needs to satisfy the user experience for you, incase you ever get caught up with the finer details.
A standard Angular CLI application comes with a terrific set of of tooling to prepare you to get developing quickly. However, there’s a few additional steps you should take to really prepare your project for success. In this article I’ll break down all the additional features you can add to your project without ejecting (exporting the WebPack Config).
Опыт нашей службы поддержки показывает, что очень немногие разбираются в проекторной технике. Если вы задумались о приобретении проектора, то наверняка встанете перед нелегким выбором. Тем, кто не сталкивался ранее с этим видом техники, сложно сориентироваться в огромном ассортименте, который предлагают магазины, и выбрать оптимальный проектор для конкретных целей. В этой статье мы расскажем об основных типах проекторов, а также о наиболее важных характеристиках проектора и помещения, на которые следует обратить внимание при выборе устройства:
The «Accessibility Developer Guide» is an initiative of «Access for all», Swiss Foundation for technology adapted to people with disabilities. It is developed and maintained in collaboration with a number of acclaimed web agencies. The vision behind the Accessibility Developer Guide is to bridge the gap between providers of websites and users with special needs.
In this article i am going to show how we can build nested angular template driven form.
Create a buyer persona that your entire company can use to market, sell, and serve better.
CSS just got a sweet little upgrade. position:sticky just landed in Chrome 56. Sticky positioning in CSS lets us build some really neat interactions in very few lines of code. It’s useful for any time you want a UI element to stick around in view as the user is scrolling, but not become sticky until the element gets to a specific distance from the top/bottom/left/right egde of the scrolling viewport. It’s like a position:fixed element that’s a sleeper agent spy. It behaves just like a regular position:relative element - even fooling its own parents and siblings - until the secret distance is met, activatating the position:fixed behavior of the spy.
Larder is for bookmarking things on the web you'll need again. It's perfect for curating lists of libraries, tools, and reference material.
The Renderer2 class is an abstraction provided by Angular in the form of a service that allows to manipulate elements of your app without having to touch the DOM directly. This is the recommended approach because it then makes it easier to develop apps that can be rendered in environments that don’t have DOM access, like on the server, in a web worker or on native mobile.
Rally is a personal finance app that uses Material Design components and Material Theming to create an on-brand experience with a data-driven aesthetic.
Let’s say that you’re working on an Angular 4 app that displays some images. You want to add a directive you can apply to any image tag to make it look fancy when you mouse over it. You also want a component that will take up 100% of its parent container’s width and display an array of images in a flex row. Let’s call these FancyImageDirective and ImageRowComponent.
@HostBinding and @HostListener are two decorators in Angular that can be really useful in custom directives. @HostBinding lets you set properties on the element or component that hosts the directive, and @HostListener lets you listen for events on the host element or component.
Mercurial handles more complex merge cases, too. It is not all that uncommon for two people to edit the exact same lines of a file, and then have to figure out what to do. These cases are called conflicts; figuring out what to do about a conflict is called resolving it.
In ES6/ES2015, you can import json file in your code.
Прямо сейчас я начинаю верстать новый проект. Я решила, что это хороший повод познакомиться с новой для себя технологией, поэтому выбрала в качестве препроцессора PostCSS. Меня привлекает в нем скорость работы и модульность, однако до сих пор не было случая попробовать его на реальном проекте. Сейчас в основном я использую Sass, и невозможность (хоть и временная) использовать node-sass с шестой версией Node.js, и то, как из-за этого у меня поломались стили в проекте, тоже послужило причиной поиска альтернатив.
15-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar is my main work tool for more than a year. I use it every single day, all day long — to code, to process photos, and to write my blog posts, of course.
Back in 2017, I thought the Touch Bar had a vast potential to become engaging and helpful. I believed developers might support it in their applications. I was hoping there was a use for it. A year has passed, applications have been updated, but as a Pro user of Pro 15-inch laptop with a 3K Euro price tag, I do declare now — the Touch Bar still remains the useless shit and there is no hope Apple will fix it.
Chris and I had a great chat, and I think it would be most helpful to distill my thinking on whether or not WordPress is secure into a FAQ format regarding the subject.