38 private links
kitty is designed for power keyboard users. To that end all its controls work with the keyboard (although it fully supports mouse interactions as well). Its configuration is a simple, human editable, single file for easy reproducibility (I like to store configuration in source control).
The code in kitty is designed to be simple, modular and hackable. It is written in a mix of C (for performance sensitive parts) and Python (for easy hackability of the UI). It does not depend on any large and complex UI toolkit, using only OpenGL for rendering everything.
В Spotify есть открытый API, и это позволяет разработчикам создавать свои дополнения-сервисы. Я выбрал и проверил 30 таких сервисов. Каждый из них может сделать ваше взаимодействие с музыкой интереснее!
Restore and save multi-display resolutions and arrangements on macOS
On MacOS High Sierra I had to create the directory KeyBindings and then create the file switching the ^ and @ symbol. Then I had to close Atom and open it again.
"@^\UF701" = "noop:";
"@^\UF702" = "noop:";
"@^\UF703" = "noop:";
Parsec works simply as a screen-sharing technology. You either share your screen with yourself (remotely), with your friends (for co-op), or with gamers around the world (to play your favorite games).
With the release of v3.3 of iTerm2 (I only just recently noticed this version mixup – v3 of v2 🙈) a Minimal and Compact theme entered the stage. That motivated me to prettify my iTerm2/ZSH terminal.
Today, I'm very pleased with my setup, and people asked me to share my settings – so here we are!
Managing your files got a lot easier and faster. Taggy Tagger can automatically tag and move files for you. Simply drag and drop a folder from Finder and select the tags you want to be added. That's it. Now, watch them appear and trigger actions whenever you add files to that folder. No need for complex rules or scripts. Just a switch.
When I need to work long hours outside of the office I usually set a smaller font in iTerm2 and Emacs (those are the applications that I use most) because I don't have access to a large external display. Having to manually set the font in two different applications every time is a bit unhandy, so I started looking for a solution.
Keyboard shortcuts help you work efficiently. Add keyboard shortcuts to common tasks. Use shortcuts that are easy to reach and easy to remember. Get your work done faster.
System76 computers empower the world's curious and capable makers of tomorrow
The first thing you should do to be able to use Lando is (surprise, surprise!) install it on your computer. The installation process is extremely simple and is very well documented.
A Liberating Dev Tool For All Your Projects
Docker4WordPress is an open-source project (GitHub page) that provides pre-configured docker-compose.yml file with images to spin up local environment on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
Application, plugin and theme discovery and manager for macOS
Create thumbnails for your website in seconds with ThumbsUp. Drag them to its icon and it converts them in a batch with the previously set options. Of course ThumbsUp works with all image formats supported by the Mac including PDF documents and movies.
Move and resize windows in macOS using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
Professional Image Editor App and Photos Extension
TimeMachineEditor is a software for macOS that lets you change the default one-hour backup interval of Time Machine. You can change the interval or create a more sophisticated scheduling (see screenshots below).
This is useful if you don’t need to backup every hour and don’t want the performance penalty. This is also especially useful if you manipulate lots of data within one hour as you would spend the whole day backing up.
If you use both Quicklook and Typescript, you've probably been frustrated by the blank previews you get for .ts and .tsx files. Thankfully there's an easy, if fiddly, fix.
Head of Social Product в Aliexpress Russia и автор телеграм-канала про софт-скиллы Игорь Демишев написал для vc.ru колонку о том, как он использует Todoist для повышения своей эффективности при решении рабочих задач. Актуальный спойлер – многие советы подходят и для удаленной работы!