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A Single Div: a CSS drawing project by Lynn Fisher
If you need to manage multiple projects within a single repository, you can use a subtree merge to handle all the references.
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If you build WordPress sites, chances are you either know about VVV or are using it. If not, go ahead and get it set up! It is (in my opinion) the best way to handle local site development. Forget MAMP- the future is now.
I have a love/hate relationship with the paste plugin in TinyMCE, the JavaScript WYSIWYG editor that ships with WordPress. In recent releases TinyMCE has gotten very good at sanitizing text pasted from MS Word, but it is still much more permissive than I would like.
The IMDb ratings importer is pretty straightforward. It allows you to import your rating from an array onto the website itself.
One of the first things you’re probably going to want to do with this new feature is customize the activation page. This is the page where users land after clicking the activation link in the activation email. This walk-through aims to demonstrate how this activation page can be completely customized.
If you’ve built a custom website using WordPress, perhaps you’ve created some pages like “Login,” “Register,” “Modify Profile” and so on. While this gives you the power to use WordPress template files, it also makes your system somewhat user-prone.
An experimental tool that turns a folder of SVG files into a single SVG Stack. It also creates some demo HTML files that use the stack with different embedding-techniques (iframe, embed, img, object, background-image).
At every position of the cursor you can picture a triangle between the current mouse position and the upper and lower right corners of the dropdown menu. If the next mouse position is within that triangle, the user is probably moving their cursor into the currently displayed submenu. Amazon uses this for a nice effect. As long as the cursor stays within that blue triangle the current submenu will stay open. It doesn’t matter if the cursor hovers over “Appstore for Android” momentarily – the user is probably heading toward “Learn more about Cloud Drive.”
Stack2RSS provides RSS feeds for answers, questions, comments, suggested edits, badges, reputation changes, question timeline events, and more! Stay on top of what's happening like never before.
When you’re working on your Linux or Mac OS X system’s command line, the prompt is the text to the left of the commands you enter. The default prompt varies for every system, but it usually gives you an indication of your username, your machine’s host name and your current working directory. Also, it ends with a dollar sign $ if you’re working as a normal user. If you’re working with root privileges, it ends with # instead.
I have been using Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV) for some time now as my development environment for WordPress projects. If you haven’t used VVV, I encourage you to try it out, it makes a lot of things easier in terms of setting up your local server. VVV’s primary use is for the development of WordPress itself but the Auto Site Setup feature allows you to use VVV for developing your own WordPress projects.
ShowyEdge displays a color bar at the top edge of the screen depending on the current input source.
You can recognize the current input source very easily even if you are using fullscreen apps.
Open the app with your new account and paste the URL of the folder, then press start
(TLDR: use contentEditable=true) Selecting text in Mobile Safari is not as easy as it could/should be. This is one of those things that is strangely hard compared to what we’re used to with a mouse. What’s the solution? JavaScript, of course. Before getting into the specifics, here’s a simple demo to show where this post is going.
As a regular Mac OS X user, I have a love/hate relationship with the "Open With" contextual menu. Sometimes, it has just what I need. Other times, it's often packed with unnecessary or duplicate items, or missing the app I want to open the file up with the most.
Unfortunately, the "Open With" right-click menu does not have its own preferences, so there is no one way to fix all of these issues. But with a little work and determination, you can finally get the "Open With" menu exactly how you want, for every filetype on your Mac.
You also can't simply apply the background and padding to a <span> or an inline element. The left and right padding will only apply to the very first and very last line. On each of the middle lines, the background will butt up immediately next to the text.
sass-to-js is a Library to easily pass Sass variables via CSS to JavaScript.
It provides Sass methods to save Sass values as JSON to CSS and JavaScript helpers to read them from CSS to JavaScript objects.
Прошло уже больше года с момента последней публикации из серии домашней алхимии, посвященной издевательствам над бытовой техникой производству порошка для посудомойки в домашних условиях. Я все еще жив. Большинство тестировавших жуткие смеси, насколько мне известно, живы. В этом посте я хотел рассказать как правильно мыть ржавые гвозди в посудомойке, не растворяется ли картошка с укропом и подвести итог экспериментов за год.