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Alternatives to Windows, Mac, Linux and online software
Virustotal - сервис, который анализирует подозрительные файлы и облегчает быстрое обнаружение вирусов, червей, троянов и всех видов вредоносных программ, определяемых антивирусами.
As a Mac OS X user, I took some time to understand how I could best use Dropbox, given the way that it works. Thanks to all the Forum users who helped me understand this.
VPC Hard Disk Images for testing websites with different Internet Explorer versions on Windows XP and Windows Vista
I’ve noticed lately that some web designers don’t seem to be using color profiles correctly in Photoshop. If you’ve ever saved images for the web and discovered that they come out slightly lighter and more desaturated than what you saw when you worked on them, this guide is for you.
Th-MakerX makes thumbnail files of dropped image files. You can drop folders which contain image files, too. Th-MakerX resizes image with pre-specified resize mode.
OmniFocus is designed to quickly capture your thoughts and allow you to store, manage, and process them into actionable to-do items. Perfect for the Getting Things Done® system, but flexible enough for any task management style, OmniFocus helps you work smarter by giving you powerful tools for staying on top of all the things you need to do.
After several years of trying to figure out what task manager for Mac and iPhone worked best with my peculiar style of organization, I finally settled on Things from Cultured Code. The Mac application is easy to use, uncluttered, and can take advantage of many keyboard shortcuts, while the iPhone app [iTunes Link] gives me a portable version of the Things database to take on the road. While the iPhone app can do a local sync to a Mac, it still doesn't do over-the-air syncing, which I hope Cultured Code will add in a future release.
When I made Things my task manager, I needed to make sure that I could use the same database on both my desktop Mac and my MacBook Air, since the Mac version doesn't do syncing either. It turns out that one of the easiest ways to do this is to use the wonderful cloud storage application Dropbox to hold my Things database, and then point Things on both Macs to use the shared database.
It is all in the name, just like a ghostwriter writes for someone else, GhostReader™ can read for you!
GhostReader (formerly called TextParrot) is the first product from ConvenienceWare, a new product family from AssistiveWare®, the world leader in accessibility solutions for Mac OS X. ConvenienceWare makes our advanced technologies available in convenient and affordable applications that can make your life easier too!
GhostReader allows you to listen to your documents with naturally sounding voices in a language of choice. Or use it to create your own personal podcasts or your own audiobooks by exporting to iPhone and iPod-ready iTunes tracks. Or just use it to speak selected text in a handy reader window with play, fast forward and rewind functionality. It even allows you to listen to text by just pointing your cursor at the text as you sit back and relax while GhostReader reads the text under the cursor.
Your current workflow operation will be based on a series of stages that manage the progress of jobs from start to finish. A range of software programs are used at various points. Typically your workflow will crisscross between your system and specialist programs as each job advances.
Rorohiko will design an automation that integrates your stages of progress with your specialist programs into one effective stream eliminating much of the time-consuming crisscross.
Our long experience equips us to work out an efficient plan of attack by first spending time observing your current workflow stages and what they produce.
We then develop an overall design that gradually improves efficiency without disrupting any existing workflow. We work out small, incremental automations that ultimately all fit together into an optimized, customized workflow.
Writing a book, short story or research paper is about more than hammering away at the keys until it's done. Research, scrawling fragmentary ideas that don't seem to fit anywhere yet, collecting faded photos from old newspapers, shuffling index cards to find that elusive structure - most writing software is only fired up after much of the hard work is already done. Enter Scrivener: writing software that stays with you from that first, unformed idea all the way through to the first - or even final - draft. Outline and structure your ideas. Take notes. Storyboard your masterpiece using a powerful virtual corkboard. View research while you write. Track themes using keywords. Dynamically combine multiple scenes into a single text just to see how they fit. Scrivener has already been enthusiastically adopted by best-selling novelists, academics, lawyers, script writers and journalists - whatever you write, grow your ideas in style.
// Whether you're a blogger, a poet or a published novelist: Ulysses 2.0 is the definite package for all your creative writing needs. Brainstorm, draft, revise, submit; distraction-free and fully focused. No strings nor styles attached.
This program synchronize two folders.
Vocab makes it easy to revise for tests - and learn the words - quickly and successfully. Add as many words as you like to a wordlist, choose “Use for Widget” to see a random word every time you show Dashboard. And when you’re ready, take a test to see how well you’re doing, and what you need to revise more. Vocab also enables you to track your progress, so you feel ready and really confident when it comes to the real thing.
Paste this code into an AppleScript, than invoke it with a shortcut (use Quiksilver or whatever you like):
set theClip to Unicode text of (the clipboard as record)
tell application "Microsoft Word" to tell selection to type text text theClip
end try
Just move it into /User/Library/Preferences.
Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.
They slice! They Dice! Disk images have become an invaluable tool for Mac admins everywhere. Read on to find out more.