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Cascading Style Sheets were introduced 13 years ago, and the widely adopted CSS 2.1 standard has existed for 11 years now. When we look at websites that were created 11 years ago, it’s clear that we are a thousand miles away from that era. It is quite remarkable how much Web development has evolved over the years, in a way we would never have imagined then.
Comprehensive List of Browser-Specific CSS Hacks
Yesterday’s post about optimizing sites for 1024px has stirred a considerable amount of controversy. Some cried foul assuming I was making the case for moving to 1024 without any regard to target audience. Others assumed I was ignoring the importance of fluid layouts. And others dugg it and buried my site for a few hours last night.
How do you answer the Internet Explorer 6 question?
Last night, while work on a very cool client project for Blue Flavor, I took a short break to make the following tweet: “It’s amazing what you can do in very little code when you apply object-oriented principles to CSS. Wish more front-end devs understood OOP.”
Подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
A while ago I published an article explaining the utter awesomeness of extending jQuery’s filter selectors. Building on that here’s something new; a regular expression selector. jQuery’s current attribute selectors (CSS3) do allow basic regex notation but no where near as much as this:
ThemeRoller allows you to design custom jQuery UI themes for tight integration in your projects. To create a custom theme, select the Roll your own tab and tweak the settings. As you work, the UI components to the right will update to reflect your design and you can download your theme whenever you like.
A pure-JavaScript CSS selector engine designed to be easily dropped in to a host library.
Best new website designs remixed.
These details give the designer total control, allowing them to create beautiful and consistent typography in their designs. While these details can be applied across different types of media, in this articles we’re going to focus on how to apply them to web design using CSS. Here are 8 simple ways you can use CSS to improve your typography and hence the overall usability of your designs.
Ниже приведен пример реализации такого элемента пользовательского интерфейса как slider или, в простонародии, ползунок с помощью JavaScript. Задача скрипта такова, чтобы можно было размещать на странице произвольное количество slider'ов и контролировать (получать/задавать) их состояние, а также была возможность изменять внешний вид элементов. Ну и конечно же не забываем про кроссбраузерность.
Whenever one builds a website, one issue is always guaranteed time consuming: highlighting the current page or section in the website with a different style.
Having read the blurb around Safari’s CSS transitions I opted to familiarize myself with a quick project - the aim of which was to create a functional, CSS only, analogue clock.
Web Development and Design Information
С помощью этого простого сервиса ты можешь быстро создать себе резиновый xhtml-макет c базовой разметкой, основу для сайта. Пока только двухколоночные, но скоро к нам завезут поддержку трёхколоночных.
Distribute widths with CSS
imageКому не нравится jQuery? Это быстрая и простая javascript-библиотека стала очень популярной в 2008 году. В этой статье я собрал список восьми очень полезных jQuery-техник, советов и хитростей.
Marko Dugonjić on web design.