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I've scoured the web for resources and also included some of my own fixes for IE6 and now I've put it all together in this cheatsheet/reference manual as a resource for anyone who has to deal with Internet Explorer 6. Where possible, I've done my best to provide the cleanest and valid solutions to each bug instead of ugly hacks. I've also tried to give proper credit for each case, but some of the solutions have been shared so many times that finding the original discover of each fix is difficult. If you see a missing credit or if I missed a bug and fix, please contact me and let me know and I'll update this page.
Так как IE6 не поддерживает значение fixed свойства position, обычно для эмуляции данного эффекта используют position:absolute и CSS expression. Однако в результате при скроллинге или изменении размеров окна браузера возникали небольшие подёргивания фиксированного блока.
The Typotheque Web Font Service enables you to use custom fonts in your website using the @font-face rule in CSS. Just add a line of code to your page and get it working in minutes. Simple, fast and standard-compliant.
Методы querySelector() и querySelectorAll() позволяют принимают в качестве аргументов CSS-селектор и возвращают найденные элементы в виде элементов DOM. Например: document.querySelector('#content img:nth-of-type(1)');
Vertical centering with CSS isn’t an easy thing to do. There are many different ways that may not work in some browsers. Let’s review 5 different ways to vertically centering objects, as well as the pros and cons of each method. (You can see my test page briefly explaining all of them.)
DURIS (Data URI [CSS] Sprites) — это новый современный способ подключения фоновых изображений на сайте. Предназначен для автоматизации процесса сборки и генерации CSS спрайтов на основе data:URI технологии. Создан для замены классического метода CSS Sprites, имеет более высокую эффективность и легкость модернизации спрайтов фоновых изображений.
Почему Сафари 4 отображает в шрифте Georgia кириллицу шрифтом Times? -
Отключил дубликаты шрифта, и всё заработало. А откуда они вообще взялись, как думаете? Может, все дубликаты шрифтов вообще стоит удалить? (Они там, кстати, когда включены, помечены точечкой справа от названия шрифта, не знаю, что это значит…)
In addition to the column widths, there are only two other classes defined: ‘column’ and ‘row’. The column class has a margin of 10 pixels applied to both the left and right edges, resulting in a cumulative 20 pixel gutter. Also note the ‘overflow: hidden’ attribute applied to both column and row. The real purpose of this technique is to clear floats, circumventing the need for a ‘clear: both’ declaration. Finally, we need to set the ‘display: inline’ property on ‘.column’ to prevent the double-margin bug in IE6.
Konstruktors is a collection of CSS snippets for constructing grid based layouts, columns, basic typography and navigation elements.
Sanscons is a small spinoff of the Bitcons icon set that allows for CSS-based coloring and framing. The icon design is exactly the same, the only thing missing is a background – allowing you to set it to any color you so desire. The inspriation behind making a CSS-centric icon set came from Chameleon made by Dan Cederholm. Update: Sanscons now comes in four more sizes with the release of Sanscons+.
Блог был запущен студией «Эстетик дизайн» в конце апреля 2008 года. С самого начала мы планировали публиковать интересные статьи по верстке, дизайну и клиентскому программированию.
Сейчас у нас более 150 статей, основными темами которых является верстка, дизайн, AJAX, JS-фреймворки, поисковая оптимизация и различные технологии, так или иначе связанные с созданием сайтов.
За время работы у нас сложилась хорошая лояльная аудитория, которая активно комментирует наши статьи и следит за обновлениями на сайте.
На данный момент число подписчиков нашей РСС-ленты превысило 2000 человек, а среднее количество уникальных посетителей в будний день составляет около 1700 человек. Более подробная статистика посещаемости так же доступна всем желающим.
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies
Ok. Let’s set the record straight. There is no official guide for each and every CSS shorthand property value. So let’s work together and put one together shall we? Ok. Straight to the business. Anytime I’ve ran into a specification (besides the confusing mess at the W3C), it turns into showing off a couple of examples and you’re supposed to be set on your way. Well well. Over the years, I’ve found quite some interesting unknown quirky facts about these shorthands… hence this Guide was born.
Trying to get CSS-based websites to look the same across all browsers can often be difficult. Many of the problems however lie with Internet Explorer implementing CSS commands differently to other, more standards compliant browsers. All is not lost, however, as many of the differences you see across browsers are caused by the same Internet Explorer CSS issues...
If you've ever put an
There’s a simpler workaround: Create a character style with an ‘underline’ (I don’t know how this option actually is called in English, but I hope you get the point), adjust its stroke width (full line-height or what you want), and its position (shift it upwards). Additionally, you then can assign a shortcut for this character style, and there you go.
Set of plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding
Very small utility to convert TTF files to EOT.
EOT is used by Internet Explorer to support css @font-face declarations.
Spotted on Daniel Glazman’s weblog, a good use of using the CSS :target selector to highlight the active target (example). I knocked-up a simple demonstration.
Browser-specific CSS hacks have become a taboo among standards-aware web designers for good reason; ideally you shouldn't need them. However, as long as the Internet Explorer 6 browser continues to hold significant market share, there will likely remain some cases where you need to use unfashionable CSS rules to accommodate outdated technology.