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Success in interaction design is largely a matter of following established patterns, so people can apply what they already know to new contexts. Using known and well-established interactive controls goes a long way in designing for easy interaction. via Pocket
For those of you who haven’t yet heard, the W3C just announced the new <main> element. As the name suggests, the purpose of the element is to identify the main content of a page. To that end, you are only allowed one <main> element per page, and the <main> element cannot be a descendant of any of the following elements: <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, or <nav>. Instead it should be their sibling.
These are tales of friendship, love, revenge, and magic.
Pure CSS, not a script to be found
This package installs the (usually) latest PHP 5.5/5.4/5.3 on OS X 10.6 (aka Snow Leopard), OS X 10.7 (aka Lion) and OS X 10.8 (aka Mountain Lion) and OS X 10.9 (aka Mavericks) in /usr/local/php5. It installs many useful extensions (see below) and ini-settings and is what we at Liip and Local.ch use for our development. It's especially suited for Symfony 2 development. It also provides a decent php.ini with all settings configured according to "Best Practices".
Mentioned here http://www.larryullman.com/2012/02/24/mamp-without-mamp/
parallax scrolling for the masses
In Roman’s experiment, he is using absolutely positioned pseudoelements to cover the shadows (which are basically radial gradients as background images), taking advantage of the fact that when you scroll a scrollable container, its background does not scroll with it, but absolutely positioned elements within do. Therefore, when you scroll, the shadows are no longer obscured and can show through. Furthermore, these pseudoelements are linear gradients from white to transparent, so that these shadows are uncovered smoothly.
When I saw Roman’s demo, I started wondering whether this is possible with no extra containers at all (pseudoelements included). It seemed like a perfect use case for background-attachment: local. Actually, it was the first real use case for it I had ever came up with or seen.
Bouches-du-Rhône Tourisme présente ses regards d’artistes sur la Provence, Marseille et la Camargue durant Marseille-Provence, capitale européenne de la culture en 2013. Découvrez les Bouches-du-Rhône à travers les photographies et illustrations de Metzger, Messina, Lacombe, Pacaud, Paillé…
Роль правильно разработанных интерфейсов в успехе продукта всё возрастает — кажется, пользователи впервые начали столько задумываться о том, как именно они взаимодействуют с приложениями и сервисами. Последний пример — всеобщее восхищение новым приложением компании Facebook Paper, при использовании которого есть риск подхватить морскую болезнь, так там все динамично. По просьбе Look At Me дизайнер интерфейсов Дмитрий Чута разобрал несколько интерфейсных приёмов и объяснил их значение.
It’s a fine design. Typographers have long prized grid-centered layouts for their elegance and extensibility, and the new View site takes “the grid” to an extreme.
Using the words “animation” and “the web” together tends to conjure up memories of frantic searches for the “skip intro” button to save ourselves from a terrible sensory assault. Animation on the web has hit some pretty sad lows, there’s no arguing that. But adding motion to our work can be meaningful and functional—when we find the right circumstances.
A website redesign is often an expensive, time-consuming, over-hyped exercise in media navel-gazing: an expression of institutional ego over users' needs. So I will confess a pre-emptive shrug at news of the newest New York Times online.
Conceived in collaboration with photographer Pierpaolo Ferrari and published by Deste, Toilet Paper contains no text but combines commercial photography with twisted narrative tableaux and surrealistic imagery to create a journal that is as appropriate for the coffee table as it is for the WC.
Interactive stories updated list, by Slate
They are road signs for your daily rituals — the instantly recognized symbols and icons you press, click and ogle countless times a day when you interact with your computer. But how much do you know about their origins?
Icons are notoriously ineffective as labels, being very difficult to interpret correctly without training or experience. For most situations, users learn correct interpretations better with text alone than with icons alone.
The most beautiful website, according to contemporary Web design, would be a completely blank page.
Mammouth is a small language that compiles into PHP, inspired by CoffeeScript. It's compiled to PHP code/files that you can run on your PHP server.
Multimedia Stories, Data Visualization, Explanatory Graphics, Breaking News, Visual and Interactive Features