38 private links
How I built a local-first app for planning trips, and what I learned about the current state of the local-first ecosystem along the way. #f:article #javascript #svelte #webdev
How has Encore grown and evolved over the last few years? Find out what our design systems team has been up to and the learnings along the way.
#accessibility #design-systems #f:article
In this article, Adrian Bece shares more about the benefits and caveats of code-splitting and how page performance and load times can be improved by dynamically loading expensive, non-critical JavaScript bundles. #javascript #performance #f:article
Ad Hoc brings small teams of skilled professionals together to build government digital services that are fast, efficient, and usable by everyone. #design-systems #f:article #accessibility
But just exactly how much faster is an SSD than using a high-quality microSD card? To find out, I attached an M.2 NVMe SSD in a USB enclosure to my Raspberry Pi 4 and ran a few tests. #f:article #hardware #raspberrypi
To this day it can still be treacherous to buy a storage adapter for your Raspberry Pi 4. There are many that will not work properly and perform very poorly. #f:article #hardware
I’ve covered which adapters work and don’t work in my Native USB Booting Guide as well as my old “workaround” SD + SSD method guide and over the years people have submitted hundreds of comments about which adapters do and don’t work.
From everything we’ve learned together in the comments and adapters I personally own/use I wanted to compile this information into a new “Best Storage Adapters for Raspberry Pi 4” list. Let’s get started!