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The CSS toolkit and guidelines that power GitHub.
KSS is intended to help automate the creation of a living styleguide. A styleguide serves as a place to publish KSS documentation and visualize different states of UI elements defined in your CSS.
Information architecture is fundamentally about organizing information and providing structure in a way that makes sense.
Different site structure types ("IA models")
User Interface Design patterns are recurring solutions that solve common design problems. Design patterns are standard reference points for the experienced user interface designer.
Take screenshots, snap webpages, draw on images, and much more. Ember makes it incredibly easy to capture and organize the images that inspire you. (recommended by Hans Põldoja)
Material icons are beautifully crafted, delightful, and easy to use in your web, Android, and iOS projects. Learn more about material design and our process for making these icons in the system icons section of the material design guidelines.
What is “microcopy” and why is it so important? Let’s start off with a really quick definition: The small bits of text/copy that help instruct and alleviate the concerns of your users. Pretty straight forward I think. It’s really more about detail work, it can make or break your website’s experience, it can also make bank or break the bank. I’ll have examples of that later.
We’re going to create a background like this in pure CSS:
Перед началом тирады я хотел бы обратить внимание на то, что прекрасные сайты бывают любых форм и размеров. И я здесь не собираюсь кого-то стыдить за количество использованных бит, объём использованных ресурсов и так далее. Я люблю большие сочные галереи изображений, мне нравятся огромные эксперименты на JavaScript, я смотрю онлайн-видео в высоком разрешении, как и все вы. Я считаю, что подобное замечательно.
Перед вами уникальный пример рекламы — мы заказали ее сами себе. 21 мая в Москве состоится конференция «Медузы» про нативную рекламу: мы делаем ее постоянно и считаем, что за ней будущее. Мы уверены, что хорошая реклама полезна всем — и изданиям, и рекламодателям, и, главное, читателям. В качестве доказательства мы решили рассказать о пяти невероятных примерах нативной рекламы. Если вы хотите научиться такое делать или так рекламировать ваш бренд — приходите на конференцию, обсудим.
The focus of web accessibility is often on web development – the things that happen in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript after a site has been designed visually. Optimal accessibility should start much earlier, as part of the visual design process. We have created an infographic that highlights a few important principles of accessible design.
Presented at Mirabeau Mobile Event, Amsterdam.
The call-to-action button is an important tool in the user experience designer’s box of tricks. In this article I’ll give you a few pointers on providing effective ones.
When users look for information, they have a goal and are on a mission. Even before you started to read this article, chances are you did because you either had the implicit goal of checking what’s new on Smashing Magazine, or had the explicit goal of finding information about “Navigation Design”.
Analyze fonts on a website. Enter a website adress and get a list of fonts from the website font analyzer.
Helping to make accessibility accessible on the web and elsewhere
Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces
Here is my definitive guide to getting a local web server running on OS X. This is meant to be a development platform so that you can build and test your sites locally, then deploy to an internet server. This User Tip contains instructions for configuring the Apache and PHP. I have another User Tip for installing and configuring MySQL and Perl.
Over the years, I have created many virtual hosts. Each time editing httpd-vhosts.conf. To mountaindogmedia’s point, this becomes difficult to manage. Furthermore, Apache configurations often get reset when upgrading Mac OS X. In the same amount of steps (two), you can adopt a more manageable configuration.
Styling for range inputs has improved dramatically since the release of IE10. It is now possible to generate cross-browser compatible range inputs (sliders) using only CSS.