38 private links
Getting to know the library of choice for unobtrusive JavaScript
A few weeks ago I wrote about two ways we can achieve the "accordion menu" effect, and I promised to describe a third option. Well, this is it, Option 3. But first, here is a list of my other show-hide-toggle entries, as well as Jörn Zaefferer's accordio
This site serves as designer's public blog where anyone can share ideas, design techniques & tutorials.
Можно оформлять кликабельные картинки, к примеру при наведении на картинку появится изображение, говорящее о том что эта картинка кликабе
This Page has had a footer tied to the bottom and it works in IE7, Firefox, Opera, Safari and also in IE6. The footer will stay below the lowest content in a window where the content exceeds the height and create a scrollbar.
Below you’ll find a list of techniques we really couldn’t live without. They are essential and they indeed make our life easier. Let’s take a look at 53 CSS-based techniques you should always have ready to hand if you develop web-sites.
Download and install the FLV Splitter (required to demux the FLV container).
Configure FFDShow to decode VP6, VP1 and H263 codecs.
W3C offers a new way to arrange text “news-paper wise”, in columns. Multi-column layout is actually a module on its own. It allows a webdeveloper to let text be fitted into columns, in two ways: by defining a width for each column, or by defining a nu
Design Elements, Trends and Problems in Web Design
We smash you with the information that will make your life easier. Really.
Перевод статьи "Customizing the Nokia 800 Tablet"
Это полное руководство по созданию пользовательского пакета, который будет установлен в N800 (инструкции
Чтобы добавить дополнительные пиксели, которые придадут углам сглаженность, я использовал несколько вложенных тегов, каждый из которых со
При наведении «мышки» над элементом страницы с одним из этих атрибутов будет появляться нестандартная всплывающая подсказка.
Let’s take a look at 43 handy tooltips scripts for intuitive and well-designed visual clues.
This is just a few pages to help a few people do the odd thing or two...
Mirrored glass like reflection effect.
footerStick technique allows the footer of a Web page to appear either at the bottom of the browser window or the bottom of the Web page content – whichever is visually lowest.
Resolution dependent layout
Resize your browser window below (or above) 800 pixels wide to change the layout of the content.