38 private links
Single-page website with retrographics and a philosophical touch
All throughout 2012 there has been an enormous surge in new web design trends. Some of you may remember my earlier post on web design trends going into 2012. Now we can see many of these ideas have come to fruition, and even adopted further increasing levels of novelty. In this article I would like to delve into 20 more design trends for the new 2013 year.
Single page website with a clear nav structure
FFF is a collection of interactive experiences. Each experience has its own unique design and functionality. All the experiences are created in HTML5, the site works beautifully on both desktop and tablet.
Blind Pig Design is Aaron Awad making prints, posters, logos and illustrations. Have a look.
FO is a graphic design & digital studio hailing from the alps of Austria
HOPES AND FEARS — это источник идей, историй успеха, мнений известных предпринимателей и другой актуальной информации для молодых бизнесменов в России. Основное настроение — это оптимизм, активная позиция и созидание. Мы считаем, что увеличение количества предпринимателей — безусловное благо для любого российского города и для страны в целом.
The Verge was founded in 2011 in partnership with Vox Media, and covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. Its mission is to offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, breaking news coverage, product information, and community content in a unified and cohesive manner. The site is powered by Vox Media's Chorus platform, a modern media stack built for web-native news in the 21st century.
Minimal websites can be a pretty polemic issue, especially when we stop to think how minimal should a minimal site be? Some people think that a good minimal website is that which has few design elements as possible. While others believe that the number of elements is not the key, but rather the way they are putted together. There is also some that don’t consider colorful sites as examples of minimalism because they believe that colors distract the viewer and take away the minimalist effect – the old cliche, less is more. Whatever side you are on, today you can check some examples of what we believe are inspiring minimalist websites. Sites with a clean and nice layout, where content takes over and makes clear for users what the site is all about.
Последнее время все чаще можно встретить сайты с необычным дизайном и функциональностью, увидев которые, можно залипнуть на некоторое время. Увидев такие, у меня рука непроизвольно тянется к f12, чтобы открыть firebug и посмотреть, как же реализован тот или иной компонент. Таким образом можно открыть для себя интересные техники и в будущем реализовать их на своих проектах. Некоторые из них стали доступны с приходом новых технологий, например таких, как CSS 3 — то, что раньше было реализовано на флеше, теперь можно воплотить с помощью строк кода в таблице стилей. Дизайнеры тоже не теряют времени, создавая новые тренды и все плотнее взаимодействуя с верстальщиками. В этой статье я хотел бы показать 15 сайтов, которые так или иначе удивили и порадовали меня. Возможно, кого-то они вдохновят на собственный шедевр.
Back in January we published a list showcasing dark colors in web design and it became very popular. Since a lot of readers asked for more, we decided to put together a new post of similar sites to give you some fresh examples. Choosing to use a dark color scheme in your web design is a bold move, so you have to make sure it’s right for your content. Examining these sites should give you plenty of inspiration.
Envisioning a national museum about gender and sexual identity
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Jimmy Raheriarisoa - Art Director & Graphic Designer based in Strasbourg
Welcome to the official calendar apocalypse! As humans we often forget things easily, such as anniversaries. One thing I’ve learned form my experience is to never forget that date, because once you do your in deep water. Apart from relationships we have many other important events happening in our lifes. If you’re a busy person that has too much food on your plate, you probably use a calendar to stay organized. Currently there are tons of apps and services that help you keep track of important events. Some services will even email you a reminder right before you need to accomplish something. All of these incredible tools help us stay on top of our game, and in a strange way act like our second brain.
When you work with amazing people, you get amazing results.
From data visualization to citizen science, it is all about stories that matter